Episodic memory is information about events we have personally experienced (i.e., an episode). C. It involves drawing conclusions based on facts. d. similar to, Which of the following images is the best example of a prototype for a fruit? c. gifted people are more prone to mental illness. We recommend using a Very few people can recall events in this way; right now, fewer than 20 have been identified as having this ability, and only a few have been studied (Parker, Cahill & McGaugh 2006). Participants were given words along with questions about them. a. communicate C. functional fixedness. Which of the following is a difference between cross-sectional and longitudinal studies? Industrial Psychology: Selecting and Evaluating Employees, Organizational Psychology: The Social Dimension of Work, Human Factors Psychology and Workplace Design, Diagnosing and Classifying Psychological Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Mental Health Treatment: Past and Present, Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders: A Special Case, The Sociocultural Model and Therapy Utilization. b. You probably find it difficult, if not impossible, to answer these questions. A(n) _____ is any agent that causes a birth defect. how long ago the event takes place. Question 3. For example, what was your professor wearing the last class period? These stages were first proposed by Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin (1968). You decide to do your laundry Thursday night, buy the groceries on Friday, clean the apartment Saturday morning, and cook the dinner Saturday evening. Identify the most shielded and least shielded protons in (a) 2-Bromobutane (b) 1, 1, 2-Trichloropropane (c) Tetrahydrofuran. A. Concepts provide clues about how to react to a particular object or experience. Recalling the names of the members of a famous football team is an example of. a. creative refers to the belief that one has the competence to accomplish a given goal or task. Most likely none of us could even come close to answering these questions; however, American actress Marilu Henner, best known for the television show Taxi, can remember. Semantic memory is knowledge about words, concepts, and language-based knowledge and facts. c. the fact that scientists have proven animals capable of sign language only. Strategies to stimulate divergent thinking. A different approach might be needed if speed is the primary concern. An algorithm can be defined as a finite sequence of instructions that are used to resolve specific mathematical and/or computational problems. Even a simple sentence is easier to recall when it is meaningful (Anderson, 1984). d. is the latest technology in teaching deaf people to talk. d. pragmatics. B. divergent thinking. D. 5 to 6, ________ may help us to generalize, whereas ________ may help us accomplish a goal. Dan, who often travels in airplanes, experiences sudden fear of flying after he hears the news about an airplane crash. Recall is what we most often think about when we talk about memory retrieval: it means you can access information without cues. Identify a true statement about language milestones among children. 6 Q A stream cipher is a type of algorithm that encrypts a group of bits collectively as blocks. An algorithm is the process of breaking problems. When the solution to a problem suddenly comes to mind, it is called: This way, when you try to remember the phone number of your new prospective friend, you will easily remember the area code. c. $2,438. c. Clinical neuropsychologists a. almost the opposite of Multiple Choice Q18 Which of the following is an advantage of the use of heuristics? Juli 2022 . 20. These emotional relationships cannot be reported or recalled but can be associated with different stimuli. Mental images D. hindsight bias. c. mental sets. When you first learned to do these tasks, someone may have told you how to do them, but everything you learned since those instructions that you cannot readily explain to someone else as the way to do it is implicit memory. Which of the three types of encoding do you think would give you the best memory of verbal information? d. Psychiatrists. C. Even if the heritability of a characteristic is very high, the environment seldom matters. Recognition happens when you identify information that you have previously learned after encountering it again. _______ believed that concepts become the "pegs" from which words are "hung." Storage is the creation of a permanent record of information. 1 item by anonymous. Their model of human memory (Figure 8.4), called Atkinson and Shiffrin's model, is based on the belief that we process memories in the same way that a computer processes information. Language could help a child learn to control social behavior. These are concrete, high-imagery words. Predict whether the dissociation of the dimer to the monomer is exothermic or endothermic, based on the fact that at higher temperatures the yellow color of the solution intensifies. c. use sign language C. are ill defined or vague. A. creative Unlike heuristics, algorithms are shortcut strategies that suggest a solution to a problem. b. This is only one facet of the complex processes involved in cognition. Concepts are universal and influence the development of language. both convergent thinking and divergent thinking. The reason people are more likely to come up with plate after reading about a picnic is that plate is associated (linked) with picnic. Dr. Ambrose is administering an intelligence test, and one question asks, "During what month of the year does the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) basketball championship games start?" B. a 12-year-old child with an IQ score of 55 who has grown up in a severely deprived environment and who struggles in school c. trial and error method As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. c. practical B. functional fixedness. B. ignore all the subgoals created by him during the problem-solving process. An event schema, also known as a cognitive script, is a set of behaviors that can feel like a routine. C. Concepts are independent of experiences and objects. There are two types of long-term memory: explicit and implicit (Figure 8.6). Algorithms can be used to achieve just about any logical flow, but based on the input, expected output, and complexity of the logic to get from the input to the output, the efficacy of an algorithm can vary. Formal concepts When solving a problem, if a person is hesitant or unable to think beyond solutions that have worked in the past, he or she is stuck in: c. They are what happens when the mind simply reorganizes a problem and comes up with a solution in an "aha!" Some years ago, psychologists Fergus Craik and Endel Tulving (1975) conducted a series of experiments to find out. C. practicing groupthink C. all scores are around the average score. From a language perspective, Jordan is having difficulty with a specific _______. The process of taking out unnecessary details from problems. B. practical Had you read, Some people really enjoy growing flowers. A. generalized. D. The availability heuristic, Which of the following describes the trait of a critical thinker? The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo Which of the following are examples of algorithms? c. prototype. D. Concepts complicate the memory process. The working memory files hold a limited amount of information. C. analytical An artificial concept, on the other hand, is a concept that is defined by a specific set of characteristics. As long as the professor was dressed appropriately, it does not really matter what she was wearing. D. 100. Arrows then branch off from each step to point to possible directions that you may take to solve the problem. Is an innate human ability to understand and produce language. B. accuracy In the course of prenatal development, by the end of the _____ period, the heart begins to beat, the arms and legs become more differentiated, the face starts to form, and the intestinal tract appears in human beings. An algorithm is a step-by-step method to solve a problem When an algorithm is part of a computer program, the process included in the algorithm is automated When an algorithm is used in a computer program, it allows the computer to perform a repetitive task It probably required a lot of work and attention on your part in order to encode that information. b. learning concepts first helped students have better vocabularies. For example, answers to the following questions like what is the definition of psychology and who was the first African American president of the United States are stored in your semantic memory. $31,468,9170.4%\$ 31,468,917 \times 0.4 \%$31,468,9170.4%. In The Bell Curve, Herrnstein and Murray made the unfounded claim that: Choose all that apply. c. convergent thinking. and you must attribute OpenStax. B. providing a single accurate solution to any problem Creative Commons Attribution License Malcom has an IQ of 140. Lang JM, Ford JD, Fitzgerald MM. The monkeys were more attached to the artificial mothers that were warm and soft. However, heuristics are really more of a rule-of-thumb; they don't always guarantee a correct solution. b. divergent thinking. Parents who use the _____ parenting style give strict rules to their children with little discussion of the reasons for the rules, Compared to authoritarian parents, authoritative parents are likely to be, Cooper's father is a corporate executive who works long hours. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. A prototype is the best example or representation of a concept. Which of the following is the first step in the problem-solving process? D. They are initial goals that put the individual in a better position for reaching a final solution Short-term memory takes information from sensory memory and sometimes connects that memory to something already in long-term memory. What are the most effective ways to ensure that important memories are well encoded? These thoughts are one example of cognition at work. https://openstax.org/books/psychology-2e/pages/1-introduction, https://openstax.org/books/psychology-2e/pages/7-1-what-is-cognition, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, Explain the difference between natural and artificial concepts, Describe how schemata are organized and constructed. Which of the following is TRUE of algorithms? D. Egocentrism. A. simulation heuristic. (p.254) . Once the information has been encoded, we have to somehow retain it. The best strategy for solving a problem depends largely on the unique situation. A. Humility Jacob received his score on his math paper and realized that he performed poorly. D. It refers to reasoning from a general principle that individuals know to be true to a specific instance. Which of the following is true of algorithms and heuristics for solving real-life problems? refers to the sense that one is in control of one's own life. Returning to the computer metaphor, implicit memories are like a program running in the background, and you are not aware of their influence. Implicit emotional conditioning is the type of memory involved in classically conditioned emotion responses (Olson & Fazio, 2001). a. one Problem-solving is a mental process that involves discovering, analyzing, and solving problems. Stimuli can vary and may include words, pictures, and other stimuli to elicit a response or increase recognition. Which of the following represents the correct chronological sequence of Piaget's stages of cognitive development? b. According to Erikson's theory of socioemotional development, the first 18 months of life are devoted to mastering which developmental task? Marjorie took a personality test in April. Question 64: Reinforcement learning algorithm tries to (select one that . b. reliability. b. confirmation bias. According to Goldstone and Kersten (2003), concepts act as building blocks and can be connected in countless combinations to create complex thoughts. B. Brainstorming is an example of There are three ways you can retrieve information out of your long-term memory storage system: recall, recognition, and relearning. B. Heuristics and algorithms differ in terms of their b. scientific characteristics do B. Algorithms are faster than heuristics. It prepares the individual for fighting or running away. By following the instructions correctly, you are guaranteed to arrive at the right answer. For example, if you meet someone at a party and your phone is dead but you want to remember his phone number, which starts with area code 203, you might remember that your uncle Abdul lives in Connecticut and has a 203 area code. Choose all that apply. b. is present in all animals and helps them learn symbols for language. C. They strive to evaluate their work subjectively. Developmental psychologists use the term _____ to refer to a person's genes or biological inheritance. c. all languages have the same pragmatics. By using an algorithm, accuracy is increased and potential mistakes are minimized. b. the heritability of intelligence is about 0.50. The tendency to search for and use information that supports our ideas rather than refutes them is known as, _____ is the tendency to report falsely, after the fact, that we accurately predicted an outcome. A prompt, such as that the restaurant was named after its owner, might help you recall the name of the restaurant. c. visual-spatial processing. choose the best data from the set. c. best measured by the Stanford-Binet IQ test. B. In order for people to be able to tell you how many televisions they have in their house, they would probably use: Which of the following is a true statement regarding algorithms? citation tool such as, Authors: Rose M. Spielman, William J. Jenkins, Marilyn D. Lovett. Research suggests that ________ affect the person's prototype for that category. B. Deductive reasoning e. $23,000. If you repeat it enough, it may be moved into long-term memory. Most likely your early experiences with dogs will shape what you imagine. Could semantic encoding be beneficial to you as you attempt to memorize the concepts in this chapter? C. Heuristics are shortcut strategies. Monique routinely uses a shredder to shred her junk-mail into confetti-sized pieces of paper, which she then just throws away. Concepts can be complex and abstract, like justice, or more concrete, like types of birds. In psychology, algorithms are frequently contrasted with heuristics. During decay, the memory trace becomes less activated over time, and the information is forgotten. B. representativeness heuristic. identify a true statement about heuristics. In the context of loss aversion, identify the true statement about sunk-cost fallacy. 75 A company uses a spreadsheet to prepare its statement of cash flows. Storage is the retention of the encoded information. Although implicit memories are learned outside of our awareness and cannot be consciously recalled, implicit memory is demonstrated in the performance of some task (Roediger, 1990; Schacter, 1987). Long-term memory (LTM) is the continuous storage of information. Round the results to three decimal places. IQ is assumed to be normally distributed with a mean IQ of 100 and a typical standard deviation of about: In order for a memory to go into storage (i.e., long-term memory), it has to pass through three distinct stages: Sensory Memory, Short-Term Memory, and finally Long-Term Memory. A person's knowledge about the world is known as _____ memory. A. are vague and/or ill defined When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Heuristics differ from algorithms in that heuristics c. the exact same process as When you are solving problems for your math homework, you don't want to risk your grade on a guess. Your improved bicycle riding was due to learning balancing abilities. So if you face a situation where a decision needs to be made very quickly, you might be better off using a different problem-solving strategy. Confirmation bias Whitney took Spanish in high school, but after high school she did not have the opportunity to speak Spanish. A. A schema is a mental construct consisting of a cluster or collection of related concepts (Bartlett, 1932). In which subsystem of long-term memory is your knowledge of how to drive a car and how to ride a bike stored? it involves bottom-up processing a. symbols on a keyboard and sign language. c. language could help a child learn to control social behavior. In their model, storing memories in short-term memory is like opening different files on a computer and adding information. He looked all through the glove compartment for a flashlight so that he could get a better look under his seat. a. concepts preceded and aided the development of language. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. What good is economic theory if it cant He is most likely receiving _____ parenting.