In a heartfelt moment, Stefan tells Elena that he loves her. In regards to his clothing and fashion sense, Stefan was generally trendy and casual. Enzo still insists that Stefan tells him what he believes is the truth, so he decides to threaten Bonnie, Stefan sees that Bonnie is in danger, so he admits that he was the one who killed Maggie. Damon tries to tell Stefan to control his blood lust and to accept the fact that he is a vampire. Under compulsion, Stefan reveals Elena slept with Damon. After they leave, the room is tense as Elena tries to approach Stefan to talk about what has happened. Hair color Gloria later says that what she saw in her vision bothered her, that the girls she saw were talking about him. When Damon says that Elena already has given up on him, since she knew that Augustine vampire can't control their bloodlust, and still cut herself, and when he feed on her she essentially asked Stefan to kill him to save herself. Stefan responds saying that all the time and energy Klaus had put into trying to make Stefan and Damon hate each other has actually brought them closer. Caroline encourages it. He asked Lily if she knew about the telegram Valerie sent him saying she was coming back to him. Caroline gasps as his skin starts to desiccate, before Stefan falls to the pavement; dead. Not taking any chances, Giuseppe tries to stake and kill Stefan. Stefan takes Caroline back to her dorm as they continue to make out. They are talking but they are interrupted by Damon taking Stefan. Hence why his father wanted him to get married to Rosalyn. To calm her down, Stefan tells her the story of when his mum got sick. This results in their initially stable relationship into an antagonistic one before she was captured and killed. He never thought he would feel like that again until he met Elena and now it was over. Significant kills Once she has fed, Elena releases Matt and tells Stefan that she can still smell the blood. Paul WesleySawyer Bell (Young, age 10)Luke Judy (Young/Child)Ryan Dorsey (Possessing Marty Hammond) Rebekah then moves onto finding out about the cure, and Stefan tells her where they can find Professor Shane. She asks Stefan what has he done and he says that he brought her home before she could do anymore trouble. She recalls learning to ride a bike with no training wheels. Later in the evening, Stefan began to notice that he had heightened senses, including super-hearing. Elena stays at Stefan's old apartment, hides from Klaus and Stefan who hides from Elena before he takes a wine. She tries to siphon the wound but it doesn't help. Klaus needs important information regarding the hunter that only Rebekah would know, but she is still angry with Klaus. Stefan made clear to her that it isn't true. She has shut it all off, including her feelings for him. So she said that to save Sarah's life, he had to turn his humanity off as well. The books are narrated by Stefan and therefore, are from Stefan's point of view. Stefan and Damon then walk into the Lockwood Mansion and finally asks him if he killed Malcolm. They begin to talk and Stefan lies to him saying that there is family drama that he is getting away from. Stefan also begins to develop feelings and a relationship with Caroline but things go awry when her mother is diagnosed with inoperable cancer and dies, causing Caroline to turn her humanity off and forces Stefan to do the same by kidnapping Sarah and threatening to have her killed due to Stefan being Caroline's "humanity trigger". Stefan tells him they have to find a way to kill Rayna or get rid of his scar. He is a protagonist, and narrator of the series. Julian leaves and Caroline hysterically rushes over to him and holds his body in her arms, screaming for help. Damon walks away, angry to which Stefan apologizes. He then asks her why she did it. Damon however says that he can handle Stefan with his flipped switch so he'll manage to handle Elena too. As Stefan stops Klaus' heart, Klaus looks on in shock and sadness and Stefan's expression seems conflicted as well. After Damon leaves, Stefan looks at the ground, ashamed yet rushes forwards after he hears a commotion in Damon's direction. They are both laughing when suddenly Julian is there, looking at Valerie and saying "Aren't we ladylike?" She promises to be careful, and they share a moment leaning forehead to forehead. Stefan had also proven many times, that values such as respect, honesty and trust are very important to him when it comes to romance, love and relationships. However, on the show, Stefan and Damon were best friends since their human lives and became rivals later on. Tyler takes them to the Lockwood Cellar where he tells the hybrids to keep them down there until they're ready to bring in Klaus, Stefan tries to persuade him that it isn't about revenge for them, to no avail. Stefan tries to get back with Elena, but she refuses and decides to wait until she makes sure that she and her loved ones are safe first. She brings Elena and shows her how to get him to feel something, by torturing him. Through the seasons, both fell in love with Elena and whilst she was the factor bringing them together, she has also been the biggest strain in the brothers' complex relationship. Stefan, Elena and Matt try escaping through the tunnels. In the past, it shows Elena's father asking him to save his daughter and Stefan's confusion as he sees her face. She agrees and wants to use the tree doppelgngers so she can preform the spell and make Bonnie the anchor instead of Amara. Stefan says that they're "reminiscing" trying to gloss it over a bit for her. Stefan ask if won't they kill her for helping them out, but Maria is doing that for Julian, her husband, she ask for him, Elena says that he's permanently passengered into one of their best friends so yes, they know about him. So the brothers took off to find the girls in a small town in Pennsylvania called Willoughby. They find Bonnie and Abby knocked out and the coffin opened. He did not like to see others suffering or in any kind of pain, whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual or mental. Elena tells him how much she's enjoying her volunteer time at the hospital. She writes a note to her daughter Nadia. Enzo tells to Stefan and Caroline that they will find another doppelgnger of Stefan and that he don't know the Traveler lore, he also says that the last remaining pair of doppelgngers are special. As a result of indirectly betraying Damon, Stefan felt extreme guilt for unintentionally being responsible for Katherine's capture and promised Damon that he would do everything he could to help Damon get Katherine back. As Stefan and Damon leave New Orleans, Stefan tells him he doesn't think he will be able to let Elena go, as 'selflessness isn't a trait of his'. Elena, distracted by the bomb blast, looks up to find Jeremy; Connor takes advantage and overpowers her. She turns around, adjusts her shirt to show more cleavage, flips her hair, before she turns back around, throwing her jacket over her shoulder They she sticks her thumb up. "I had to do that, for Enzo. After leaving Enzo he calls Elena (Katherine) and tells her that he wants to talk with her and Katherine invites him on Bitter Ball, although at first he refuses then accepts her offer. Brady shot Stefan in the chest, probably not hitting his heart and left Tyler with a gun and a stake to watch over him while Brady took Elena. Stefan wants to know what's in it for him, but Klaus merely says to trust him when he says that Connor holds the answer to all of Stefan's prayers. Elena and Jeremy's life, Stefan had to kill her. After Elena filled him in on the no humanity switch, Damon tries and fails to syringe Stefan. After Katherine returned to Mystic Falls in the 21st century, Stefan and Katherine became one-sided bitter enemies for some time, mainly due to their conflicting actions regarding Elena. She reminds Caroline how she raised her daughter to be a good person, causing Caroline to realize that Stefan's playing mind games with her. Alaric is not happy to see him, reminding him about how he lied about being on the trail of a way to bring back Damon and Bonnie. Elena volunteers to say a few words in Pastor Young's memory as Damon enters the church. Stefan explained to Tyler that Elena had to be sacrificed to break the curse and Tyler released him. Stefan sacrificed himself before Bonnie was able to break the sleeping spell bound to their lives, though before he found peace, he was able to briefly see her and pass a message along to Caroline through her. He tells her he needs to get a charger and he walks into a store buying some supplies. Stefan lets the water run in the sink so that he could prevent Elena from hearing their conversation. She knocks him out and locks him in the county Jail. Damon isn't himself right now.", Stefan explained. Stefan asks why Damon he freed him, but Damon brushes the question off. When Stefan gets down he sees Shane trapped, but he decides not to help him, because now the professor can understand what it feels like to have hope and then to lose it. Stefan sits alone in front of the fire when Matt walks into the house. In Welcome to Paradise, Stefan pulls up to his garage to inform his boss he needs a few days off. Later, Stefan visits Caroline and she demands to know where he was. Later he is in the Salvatore's mansion burning his diaries, and Elena and Damon arrive. Klaus tells him he's not going to the train station and that he has a witch who might help him with his Rayna Cruz problem. Damon decides that it's time to play "never have I ever", Elena does not agree but Caroline is enthusiastic about the idea and they begin to play. Damon agrees to do the same and implies towards the trouble they go through for "one girl". Stefan had compelled a young woman to go with him to Damon, where he convinced his brother to become a vampire by drinking her blood. He got stuck in the tomb with Katherine because Bonnie is unable to release the spell over it. He was also close friends with Bonnie Bennett and his ex-girlfriend, Elena Gilbert. When the Veil is restored, Lexi disappears, leaving Stefan alone. They talk a little more and Damon says that he'll get the cure for Elena even if she doesn't want to take it but in that moment Rebekah comes from behind and breaks his neck. Damon wakes up to find Elena arriving and going to Stefan not even noticing him. After his mother's passing, Stefan lived with his father and his brother Damon. The Gilberts' car had submerged deep into the water under the bridge, where Elena and her parents were facing death by drowning. They are interrupted by Elijah and Elena. Stefan sat there all day and into night, feeling like an idiot. Other than Lexi, Stefan's best friend was a girl named Cora, who was a human girl. Later, Caroline is watching the shed burn and Stefan joins her. As the powerful witch Emily Bennett had once told him after Stefan had transitioned into a vampire, Stefan's heart was pure and good. Damon lunges at Lily and Beau explodes all the coffins. Throughout the fifth season, Stefan loses his memories due to Qetsiyah's attempt at incapacitating Silas and suffering effects due to Silas' confrontation, he slowly finds closure with Katherine as she helps him overcome his demons. Klaus announces that he now has to go through a three-stage process. Damon urges Stefan to get Luke out of the burning building. Stefan is the twin flame of Elena Gilbert, the younger brother of Damon . In Our Town, Stefan's obsession for revenge, drives him to kidnap Elena in an effort to get Klaus to call off his hybrids. Stefan asks what happened to the guy that said that Elena should embrace being a vampire. They are fiddling while walking, Stefan tries to speed off using his vampire abilities, but he hardly gets a few feet before his ability stops working, Elena say that it was funnier the first time. She accuses him of working with Klaus and refuses to talk to him after he tells her it isn't what she thinks. He tries to negotiate with Connor, to no avail. In that moment he interrupts her and says that he remembers driving to Portland and saying goodbye to Lexi as he was about to drop Silas' body at the quarry. He questions why everyone trusts him and tells him that at the end of the day Stefan is just like Enzo. After this talk Elena goes upstairs and finally accepts that Jeremy is really dead so she tells Damon to bring his corpse down to the living room. Caroline points out that Elena must know that the younger Gilbert is not going to wake up. He tells Stefan that he is no longer stone because every spell has a loophole as nature require balance and when the witch that turned him into stone died he was free he also revealed the mystery of himself by telling Stefan how he created the immortality spell and as he could not die, nature had to find balance so it created a shadow self of Silas that could and when Stefan asked of he was another one of the Tatia doppelgngers, Silas changed his face into Stefan's and revealed that Stefan it is his true face and Stefan is his doppelgnger. As Damon tells him of the time when he let Stefan go to war alone, for his own good rather than joining him, Stefan looks shocked. After making viewers think Damon ( Ian Somerhalder) compelled Stefan ( Paul Wesley) into letting the eldest Salvatore sacrifice himself to save Mystic Falls, "I Was Feeling Epic" delivered the . In a selfless move, Stefan sacrificed himself so that his brother Damon (Ian Somerhalder) could have his happily ever after with Elena (Nina Dobrev). Stefan goes to the dance and spends time with Katherine, they dance and talk about her breakup with Damon and about his new comportment. Elena says that he's grounding her because she dropped Caroline on her thick neck. Stefan does so, and Klaus is pleased. In Growing Pains, Stefan and Damon are with Elena when she first wakes up in her bedroom. Stefan then went to meet Damon, who had also planned to let himself die. However, Stefan ends up being confronted by Silas, finally revealing his true form and locks him in a safe underwater. "New plan. As he pulled away you gasped, "that felt way too good.". He had straight, short, dark blonde hair which is often gelled or spiked. Stefan arrives in Fells Church and enrolls as a high school student at Robert E. Lee High School in order to blend in like a regular 17-year-old human teenager (even though Stefan is really 500+ years old). Stefan calls Elijah and the original brother says that Elena is safe but how long that remains depend on them. In the novels, Stefan was named after the first Christian martyr, St. Stephen. Later on, Stefan, Damon and Tyler begin to desiccate Klaus' body with help from Bonnie. Stefan Salvatore (Full Birth Name: Stefan Antonio Salvatore) is the hero, deuteragonist, secondary narrator, supporting protagonist, and romantic lead of The Vampire Diaries. When Qetsiyah is distracted, Stefan stabs her and he escapes with Elena after Silas' spell is over. In The Devil Inside, Stefan is in the Salvatore's mansion and Damon arrive, Stefan asks where he was and for Katherine's body but Damon doesn't want to tell him. Stefan calls Damon and Elena to tell them what is happening with Katherine. Katherine was Stefan's, as well as his brother Damon's creator. Stefan had also asked half-jokingly once entering the Salvatore tomb if there was anyone he didn't kill in their family. A flashback shows Stefan, dressed in his war uniform rehearsing lines to Lexi which to say to his brother. To keep both him and Damon out of Hell, he flipped his humanity switch off. Stefan talks with Lexi of how it works with Vaughn being dead again. They go to Shane's office and try to find the headstone and Rebekah comes across some "herbs" and suggests that they have fun. When in a bar drinking together arrives the waitress, Stefan feels the need to drink her blood. Later, Stefan watches as Damon and Elena begin to dance but as the waltz shifts to a sequence that switches partners, Elena runs into Stefan. In Pictures of You, Stefan and Damon are throwing football in the living room and asks Stefan how long has it been eight or nine days since Elena killed anyone, Stefan says that he lost count and Damon says that's progress and Stefan asks what are they going to do keep throwing the football around for another 150 years until Elena gets her humanity back, Stefan sarcastically says he's cool with that and Damon says that Elena doesn't want the cure and she's going to start killing people if she knows they're still trying to get it for her Stefan says the could always make her want it Damon asks how are they going to make an emotionless vampire want anything Stefan says to get her to flip her humanity switch, Damon asks what are they going to do pull a Lexi, Bombard her with emotions until one of them sticks and Stefan says if that doesn't work they go to plan B lock her and keep her sidelined they he and Damon figure out a plan C, Damon asks what when she gets slammed with every emotion she's repressed since Jeremy died Stefan says that then Damon will be right by her side ready to help her through it and Damon says because Stefan doesn't want to keep reliving history and when its all over he's just going to get out of her life, Stefan says "bingo" and Damon asks him how does he wants to do it. She is very fragile in that moment and she breaks down because it's really hard to accept that her only living relative is dead. In I Never Could Love Like That, Caroline drops a body from the caf rafters, trying to scare the employee to death. Elena observes that Stefan is awfully cheery, and he responds that he's just happy she is here. Stefan then shows Bonnie the special bullets that he took out of Tyler and tells her that the bullets burn to the touch. Stefan was supposed to be the one to take over the Salvatore family business from Giuseppe when he turned 18. Caroline ask what is going on and Stefan says that nothing. Stefan feels guilty for letting Damon go, but Caroline tries to cheer him up, saying that it isn't his fault and that no one could've stopped Damon from going after Wes the other night, Stefan says her that he have to find Damon. After Damon tells Elena what Qetsiyah says, and they are about to kiss, Stefan wakes up. Later, Stefan phones his brother to see how he and Alaric are doing. Stefan tells Damon that she is the best thing that has ever happened to him and Damon doesn't deny it and confesses that he can't live without her but he doesn't think he's any better than Katherine and Elena will be better off without him. They briefly reunite when Katherine comes back to try and destroy Mystic Falls, which classified them as enemies once again. He is next to the quarry with Elena, and the two are talking about it being a vision. Caroline states that she has almost forgotten what that feels like. In Death and the Maiden, Stefan's having a dream about how Silas stabbed him and put him in the safe. Was it over? Unable to control his bloodlust, he spent over 10 years slaughtering his way through North America - including a stint with Klaus and Rebekah in the 1920s - until Lexi pulled him back from the edge. Stefan being tortured by the tomb vampires. The three of them frequently partied together at the speakeasy, enjoying booze, blood and dancing all night long. Stefan then decides to accompany her but Enzo interrupts them telling that he can't because the Travelers still need him, Caroline says him that she will be fine and that he would do the same for her, Stefan tells her that he don't trust in Enzo and Caroline says that don't worry because she don't trust in Enzo too and that she will be safe, she promise that to him, Enzo says goodbye to Stefan with a wave and leaves with Caroline leaving Stefan worried. Bonnie tries to write a message to Damon but Enzo grabs her phone, Enzo calls Damon and asks him for Stefan's diaries , Damon says that Stefan burned his diaries, and then Enzo says that he will kill Stefan because he was the one who killed his girl in the 60s, Damon tries to tell him that Stefan wasn't a Ripper in that decade but Enzo hangs up the phone. Stefan Salvatore: A True Ripper Daddynegan 83.6K subscribers Subscribe 16K 523K views 7 months ago #tvd #thevampirediaries #stefansalvatore WARNING: SPOILERS. Stefan calls his brother and tells him this. They arrive to Mystic Falls and on that moment the Travelers are doing their spell, suddenly, Liv is standing in the middle of the road, with her hand held out, Stefan scream to stop, Maria gasps and stomps down on the brake. She also brought along Stefan to help with the dorm decorating and Caroline is surprised but still lets him in. Stefan says he's angry, and he wants to kill Julian for hurting Valerie. After his convocation with his brother, he asks him to put Alaric on the phone. The news is on. Stefan returned to Mystic Falls this year along with Lexi. "Welcome to the wonderful world of being a vampire.". Rebekah, Katherine and the Salvatore brothers. He even threatens Monique, after telling her he won't hurt her. She tells him he will be alright and tells him to hold on to the fact that she loves him. Damon leaves and Stefan sees Caroline on the street outside. Later, after Elena has left, Caroline arrives at the boarding house at Stefan's request, and he shares his concerns with her about being able to help Elena enjoy being a vampire, when he himself has so much trouble keeping a balance between enjoyment and becoming the Ripper. He is able to learn new languages at an increased speed and adjust to the American customs rather quickly, so much so that his Italian accent becomes less strong. When Damon returns, he tries to make it up to her by apologizing to her and they grow close again. Later when it's revealed that Stefan has another living relative Sarah Nelson (who was born as Sarah Salvatore), Enzo tries to use the information as leverage before Stefan shoots down his hopes of it ruining his relationship with Damon. Enzo tells them that Wes was experimenting with him and so discovered the antidote, Caroline ask what does that have to do with them, Sloan say that when Wes died, the Travelers took it. Damon mocks him with Ms. Cuddles and, annoyed, Stefan grabs and kicks Bonnie's teddy bear across the field uncovering a cloaking spell which was hiding a house. It is revealed that it was Stefan who rescued Elena from the car crash which killed her adoptive parents he tried to rescue them too, but he was too late. Stefan had also been seen wearing plaid shirts in lighter tones from time to time. Stefan and Damon later join Elena in the woods, where she is digging a grave for Connor's body. Later, Stefan finds that Elena and Damon have come over to the Other Side by destroying the Travelers. As they find out that Elena doesn't answer Damon's calls, them they realize that Elena doesn't appear. Stefan sees a car approaching them from behind Elena, she turns around and sees the car, Stefan raises his thumb to hitchhike, but Elena makes him put his hand down. Everyone takes their seats and the wedding begins. Stefan then helps Caroline turn hers back on by showing her one of his last memories with her mother. Later Katherine is looking in the mirror and Stefan arrives, she tells him she is dying and if he thinks she may have some redemption to what Stefan replies that 147 years is a long time to forgive in one night, Katherine looks crushed and when she is about to leave he stops her and takes her hand, telling her that he sorry that she are dying, Katherine leaves the room. Damon jokes that when he gets Elena back and the whole universe freaks out for keeping the doppelgngers apart, Stefan should remember he's the one who talked Damon out of doing the right thing for all mankind, Stefan agrees and smiles. Damon ends with an ominous statement to his brother: "She's back, and she's not going to stop until you're dead.". We're led to believe that it's baby Nadia laying there. Stefan is aloof and jokes about it, asking which guy it was because he was drunk that night. They were instantly drawn to each other and they immediately bond, beginning a romantic relationship shortly afterwards. Stefan begins to walk away again but then turns around, walks over to Elena and kisses her. Damon however says that his brother has to deal with that on his own until he comes back. Katherine tried to return the favor by helping Stefan through his PTSD in the next episode, where sparks flew while locked in the safe. Stefan Salvatore is a 172-year-old vampire and one of the two known doppelgangers (and the last living of these doppelgangers) of the World's first Immortal Man, Silas. Damon sees an aquarium with no fishes and than understands that the water is vervained. Damon turns the table on Stefan by telling him that it is just the same as ruining his relationship with Caroline. When Stefan finds Elena, he and Damon work together to bring down another vampire called Elijah. Unfortunately, after Klaus killed all five hunters, their tattoos, and thus the map leading to the cure, disappeared and Klaus hadn't seen another hunter until Connor. Stefan tells Damon about kissing Caroline. Despite his raging hunger, he fed her some of his blood and took her to her home. The doppelgnger gives her the cure and runs away using her vampire speed. Emily Bennett then approached Stefan and told him that Katherine had her make that ring for him (and Damon) weeks before. Elena and Damon then locked Stefan up in the basement to try to get him back to normal. No one knows how they escaped the car. He then has to face the consequences of his actions when his compulsion on others wears off and is temporarily detained before Caroline has him freed. The two discussed their options, and both brothers seemingly agreed to die without transitioning, as neither one wanted to be a vampire without Katherine. so instead, Stefan handed the phone to Caroline so she could say it. Tyler comes in to announce the problem of the week. In this scenario, Stefan is often compared to, Stefan is the first vampire to be bitten by an, In 1912, Stefan was living on a strict animal blood diet, controlling his urges for human blood. She realizes he never listened to all the messages she left him. I don't wanna drag her down with me. They try to get the driver to pick them up, but they fail. In the episode 1912, it was revealed that this was the year that Stefan went into "ripper" mode again. Elena realizes that Stefan letting himself get beat up was part of his system. He tells her that Damon loves Elena as much as he does so he can't be selfish with her, and will let her go. Stefan responds that he was a psychotic killer with no emotions back then and Rebekah disagrees by saying that he might have been a killer, but he wasn't emotionless, to which Stefan admits that he really did have fun. Appearance However, despite them becoming romantically involved, various and numerous obstacles begin to come between the two, making Stefan and Elena struggle and fight to be together. She is taking it very hard and crumbling right before Stefan's eyes. But how do I stop the monster without becoming one myself?" - Stefan Salvatore "I want to kill you. In The Departed, Stefan and Damon decide that one of them needs to go back to Mystic Falls to keep on eye on Elena. Stefan splits up for Damon and Elena and goes and finds Caroline at the cafeteria, asks her if she had any luck finding Bonnie, Caroline said the searched the whole and didn't find her they hear the ice melting and Caroline said that she is at the center of the triangle and that's where Bonnie should perform the spell, Stefan realizes that they are the right place but the wrong elevation, Stefan asks Damon about the entrance to the basement Elena said that its of the boiler room. Lily tells him that she went to Europe with a gentleman friend; Stefan laughs at this because he doesn't trust her type of man. Later, Stefan sits with Elena on the rooftop of the Salvatore mansion. Terrified, she sobs that Stefan has compelled her and she can't move. He drank her blood and almost killed her but was stopped by Bonnie when she cast a spell on him. Under your skinpulsating, flowing. He rushes her to the hospital. Elena responds that she'll have to deal with that when she gets home. During the sacrifice he tries to exchange himself for Elena's aunt Jenna Sommers as the vampire but Klaus refuses saying he has plans for him. Stefan tells Connor to run and pins Damon to the wall, but Damon quickly overpowers him and plunges his fist into Stefan's chest, refusing to relent until Stefan reveals what he's up to with Klaus. They talk about Damon's self destructive behavior that night. Shady Stefan, Saint Stefan, Superman, Beefcake, Stefan: The Hero, Fabio, Hero Stefan, Hero Hairdo, Noble Stefan, Stef, Buzzkill Bob, Baby Bro, Brother, Lily's Little Angel, Mad Max, Baby, Ebenezer, Pal, Bunny Snacking Pacifist, Alaric and Stefan (Friends/Frenemies/Former Allies). Stefan's childhood and best friends during his human life were named Ethan Giffin, Brian Walsh and Matthew Harnett. Human/DoppelgngerVampire (Niklaus' bloodline/Broken) (Cured/Formerly)Ghost (Formerly)Phoenix Stone Spirit (Formerly)Spirit (Currently) According to Caroline Forbes, Stefan's favorite color is blue. Stefan is hurt and angrily walks away from Damon.