Advocate Me is taking action in relation to the continuing Declaration of a State of Emergency across Australia and specifically in the States. In an extremely brave move at such a critical time, one courageous cop has reached out to the NSW Police Commissioner in an open letter, asking the police not to simply acquiesce to arbitrary government demands and to act in the best interest of its population, not tyranny of government, Serene noted. According to documents tendered to the Supreme Court, the VLSB cancelled Ms Teffaha's licence on April 14after an investigation. The 'winter shot': Everything you need to know about getting your next COVID-19 booster, If you catch COVID again, will your symptoms be worse? I want to know why Serene was deregistered. 3 free lookups per month. VICTORIAN advocate and lawyer Serene Teffaha has offered an online Zoom link to a hearing in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) seeking an immediate stay on the decision of the Victorian Legal Services Board to cancel her licence to practice. Daniel Andrews will feel physically miserable for the rest of his life. 10:21 Who is doing this type of corruption in the Australian family courts? They giv the excuse, incapacitated decision making. Serene is very good but she has a lot to learn about these Treasonous Political Party, Australian Courts created under the Treasonous changing of the Constitutional Definitions, in 1973 without a Referendum. Thanks Rob for continuing to support such an outstanding Australian. At this stage Serene will only be taking cases in relation to these class actions." Visit Serenes website Visit Serenes YouTube channel comes from pedalling Political Party Treason. But this person is charged with abduction. Serene Teffaha I have 15 years experience as a practicing Lawyer in both private and public sectors. The appointment was made pursuant to sections 327(2)(b) and 334 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law. In Jewish Marxism the Elite own the wealth, Its a shame that Serene is so deeply embroiled in their corrupt political party corporate system that she cannot see what a waste of time her work is. In fact, both are strongly recommended by US doctors, who formed special groups to promote their use in the face of campaigns to suppress them and push the only-vaccines-can-save-us lie. Please stay tuned for that. She noted that her groups strategy was different to other lawyers who we dont agree with. restraining Ms Teffaha from representing her own client. crew February 4, 2021 All, Arrest & Fines, Blogs, Lawyers, Mandates & Law, People, Petitions, Uncategorized, Vaccination. But the feisty Serene-in-name-only said in a briefing on YouTube losing her licence would not affect the class actions against the COVID lockdown tyranny. The case was adjourned to April 30, where Justice Forbes could make a ruling on the future of the class action client information. Find contact details for 700 million professionals. Once your details have been submitted we will contact you. (LogOut/ You talk to one you talk to 6 depts. I also do webinars on informed consent and the use of multiple vaccines in coercive government policies. (LogOut/ Up to 5 It does not make sense to me. The organisation has been formed to facilitate dialogue with the Department of Health and TGA, examining the facts, with a view to ensuring proper science and accountability are returned to this critical matter of vaccine safety. Was he telling the truth? I cant get her out. Advocate Me is taking action in relation to the continuing Declaration of a State of Emergency across Australia and specifically in the states. And it is now the time for us to stand in solidarity.. Serene needs to know she is fighting Treason and like she said, no other Barristers or others, are standing up to help her. I lead and promote an evidenced based understanding of child focused issues, promoting optimal development surrounding Family Law, Child Protection and Health and Education Systems. $20 million property portfolio. Why are black swans becoming stranded in the ocean off WA? This is a spiritual war for your consciousness. free lookups / month. Voice to force acceptance of massive land grabs by Aborigines and for compulsory rental payments by land owners objectnow! Communism is evil. The Chinese Communist Party brutally locked down residential towers while spreading virulent propaganda about their virus, as if it would instantly kill anyone infected. I am extremely passionate about social justice and have specialist knowledge in Human Rights, Public & Administrative Law, Whistleblower & Student Protections, Family Law, Tax Litigation and Dispute resolution. I run public seminars and am a key note speaker at conferences on the Australian government's vaccination policies. What were seeing is employers, police, doctors, nurses have all gone mad testing. All rights reserved. Money has become their God. An independent Manager, Mr Jacob Uljans, has been appointed to take over professional and operational responsibilities for her law practice Advocate Me. Hall & Wilcox partner Jacob Uljans has been appointed by the board to manage the litigation and has taken over the operational responsibilities for Ms Teffaha's Preston law firm, Advocate Me, the board said. Why didnt Julian Burnside or his cohort Frank Brennan ,Jesuit and lawyer those great human rights defenders standup for the people locked in the towers ? In Queensland the Political Parties put Magistrate Diane Singleton in jail, for crossing the Line. This is bullshit, she says no firmly. The report in The Tribune further lies about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, claiming they are unproven and neither are recommended to treat Covid-19. Emails seen by The Age confirm the Victorian Legal Services Board wrote to solicitor Serene Teffaha in March to provide her with a notice of proposed cancellation of practising certificate. Some cases in the Family are complicated by issues surrounding vaccination consent and informed choice, particularly where there is a parent who is concerned about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. ($502,573) for a proposed class action promoting unproven Covid-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing, and face masks." The implication is that Teffaha is somehow dishonest by amassing a . We are also spearheading a number of actions to protect whistle-blowers including police officers and health professionals. O.M.G. Try : Australia Act 1986 instead . *: It may be observed that a legislature wishing to enact a statute ordering that all, blue-eyed babies be killed would hardly be perturbed by a principle of law which purported to, *KIRBY J. Then heres my property, heres my rights Whether it is through a government direction that is forcing you to be tested with no symptoms or whether its some OCD hypochondriac boss or some cop that thinks he knows something about asymptomatics . I strongly support an evidence-based approach and right to an informed choice. The emails sent between Victorian Legal Services Board investigator Kimberley Anderton and Ms Teffaha do not specifically indicate the conduct under scrutiny by the board. Great work, I hope more lawyers get behind you. Intimidation, coercion, deceit, aggressiveness or bullying are NOT lawful means by which politicians can impose their personal beliefs or opinions about masks or vaccines upon others. My father died on the 21st of july and l was not allowed to visit him because l did not recieve the flu vax. Serene has got to be worth more to Australia than all of the Federal, State and Local politicians and ADF Generals combined. At this stage Serene will only be taking cases in relation to these class actions.". This is a big threat to big pharma and the medical establishment. MELBOURNE, Australia A lawyer collected more than AUD 650,000 ($502,573) for a proposed class action promoting unproven Covid-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing, and face masks. And vcat have decide to appoint a guardian to make her medical decisions. The case was due to return to the court on April 30 and Cairns News is awaiting further information. The illegal fiction the crown made from your birth name. She says a client in Western Australia, a former nurse and now disability pensioner, was unlawfully served criminal prosecution by WA police for refusing a test.Teffaha says so-called surveillance testing only applies during an outbreak and even when directed to test, the right to refuse still applies, especially when coercion or bullying is involved. (LogOut/ matter is being made worse by a belief that asymptomatic people should be tested, which produces many false positive test results, more panic and more money for those doing the testing. This is the women who fought the mandatory vax for aged in Victoria and won. ADVOCATE ME NATIONAL CLASS ACTION, LOCKDOWN, Shungite for Radiation from / EMF / EMR / ADS, How to defeat the Passports Jamie MacIntyre. Solicitor Serene Teffaha of Advocate Me says she intends to contest the action from the Victorian Legal Services Board. Ursa kljuce says. Judge Hampel, who served as a Victorian Law Reform Commissioner, now has the task of adjudicating her findings as you may be assured the gallery online have done. In January, Ms Teffaha said the Family Court had "many corruption issues", which prompted a condemnation from the Australian Bar Association and the Law Council. Editor's note (April 22, 2021): This article has been updated to make clear that the $654,000 in legal fees relates to a wider range of clients than those in the tower lockdown class action. Bookmark the permalink. Posted on August 10, 2021, in General and tagged class action, employers, Lockdowns, Serene Teffaha, vaccines. They dehydrated gher and then put toxic medicine in her water and cos shes thirsty she drinks poison. I've had my doors rattled. Cairns News has reported extensively on Teffahas outspoken efforts to expose and prosecute the COVID induced takeover of the nation by medical fascism. Serene Teffaha has put out an impassioned message to Australians to say no to coerced and illegal COVID testing. Im not symptomatic. Click the picture to download the disgusting story that is far from a first time event, there are many, many more prosecuted by the private law firm of the then NSW-RSPCA president and a fellow director, How the political parties stoleAustralia, Washington operatives join assault on Arizona forensic audit as mediacheers ,, Sydney gays terrified as Catholic men march on streets, Thousands of vaxxed Canadian children dying suddenly as MSM looks away, Aussie doctor blows whistle on entire Covid scamdemic at Covid Medical Network seminar. Ms Papello told the court Ms Teffaha had also breached the Legal Profession Uniform Law by continuing to engage in legal practice after her licence was cancelled and by "obstructing" the lawyer appointed to take charge of her firm's work. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) She said if she lost her licence, it would not affect the class action, and she had written a whistleblower complaint against the legal watchdog for what she considered to be the targeting of her litigation. The lawyer and her Preston law firm, Advocate Me, had been seeking clients for a class action that includes people affected by any form of detention, mandatory vaccination, business closures, residential aged care isolation, cross-border rules, contact tracing, compulsory testing and various other measures. They said her comments were baseless, inappropriate and undermining of the criminal justice system and warned there was no place for the claims. Burnside is a Green zealot, man-of-the-people type, who just happens to possess a the answer is back off and no!. . Not another typo? Dr van Diemen, who was the most senior public health official on the day of the decision, told Ms Glass she was quite terrified that we would see within a week many hundreds of [COVID-19] cases and that delaying a day would not have made a hugely significant difference. In Part 2 of this interview, Serene Teffaha condemns the family court system and demands significant changes to be made. Supreme Court Judge Jacinta Forbes ordered Ms Teffaha to hand over the financial details of her sole-practice firm anddetails of any cases that needed urgent action to the VLSB-appointed lawyer., How about you telling them direct better coming from you than playing third party . Serene Teffaha is the principal Lawyer of Advocate Me and has over 8 years experience in challenging Governments, specialising in Whistleblower protections, Human Rights & Public Law and Administration. Join the dots as to who lives on Sydney Harbour in multimillion dollar mansions? Your email address will not be published. Then Pauline Hanson did the same thing and spent. Family courts offer or refer the public to a wide variety of services, including counseling, mediation, parenting classes, and social services.In recent times have seen many wrongs in the lower courts and family courts within Australia. We are asking for pledges meaning that you will not transfer any money to us until we incur costs appropriately and proper invoicing has occurred. We have to make tough decisions and take our children out of schools and our elderly members out of aged care homes. Just the management your family business needs. Fear causing division between Australian citizens. We are also taking action in relation to the dangers associated with the fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine approvals. She added that the flawed PCR testing process, apart from false positives, does not give any information on the infectious nature of an individual. AdvocateMe is targeting individuals impacted by the COVID-19 vaccination mandates and/or directives, including mandates in Queensland for hospital related employees, workers and contractors, mandates in NSW on transport workers in airports, and imminent impacts on aged care workers and nurses as a result of the announcement of the mandating of vaccines in aged care setting by the Commonwealth. Teffaha got on the wrong side of the Powers That Wish They Could Be Except They're Too Slow (PTWTCBETTS). Filed Under: Legal Action Tagged With: Covid-19. In footage from the meeting in Vienna Friday, FPO General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz brings a glass of Coca Cola to the podium, from which he proceeds to collect [],, Please check doctors on brandnewtube. Even if it is Lindsey Fox! Thanks, Wow .. the evil just goes deeper doesnt it We are also taking action in relation to the dangers associated with the fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine approvals. Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination, German-US legal team about to launch COVID-19 lawsuits to expose Gates-Rockefeller plandemic blogfactory,, Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination | Cairns News | Wirral In It Together, Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination Cairns News Life, Death and all between. Lets hope that this leads to something concrete happening. This donkey drawn pandemic caravan has been observed making its way the hill for quite a while. To hey stopped her fresh air and walks Any legal term to get her out against vcat please or hospital. He then went on to say (famously) that Power tends to Corrupt and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. Exactly. Court documents filed by Ms Teffaha name two prominent Victorian Health Department officials Annaliese Van Diemen and Finn Romanes as well as Police Commissioner Shane Patton and the state as defendants. To start learning about your choices in vaccination visit Vaccination Decisions (. She is trying to fight their system and she will lose. We will be spearheading and supporting Fair Work actions that we intend to escalate to the Federal Court on the lawfulness and reasonableness of their directions. Does the legal services board really believe that stripping a law firm of its clients and cases and handing them to a big corporate law firm will result in justice being done? The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. 17K views, 259 likes, 113 loves, 134 comments, 400 shares. Ms Teffaha said she had never had any client complain about her. Thank you for being so on the ball! Lawyer Serena Teffaha taking on Australia's 'Deep State' By TONY MOBILIFONITIS THE national class action against the COVID-19 tyranny has been relaunched, Melbourne lawyer and human rights advocate Serene Teffaha has announced. Due to the large number of people engaged in these actions, the only form of contact will be via submitting our forms. Cloud phenomenon over Turkey earthquake site before it started, Introduce the rattan and exit rampant car theft and property crimes, Bombshell Report: Romanian Senator Diana Sosoaca says people had to die by premeditated earthquakes triggered in Turkey, NSW Premier Perrottet admits again mRNA jabs do not prevent virus transmission, Queensland Police Service Super Recogniser facial recognition network helps crack 1,000cases, Introduce the rattan and exit rampant car theft and propertycrimes, Sydney gays terrified as Catholic men march onstreets, Thousands of vaxxed Canadian children dying suddenly as MSM looksaway. (LogOut/ It is just an outrage. Also driving the testing frenzy is health departments and the CSIRO finding COVID-19 in sewerage systems which in fact is unable to infect people. Why are so many Chinese companies owned by the Chinese government? VLSB+C confirms that, from 15 April 2021, lawyer Serene Teffaha no longer has a practising certificate and cannot engage in legal practice. Serene Teffaha, a senior tax technical specialist of 12 years standing, is suing the ATO in the Federal Magistrates Court under the Fair Work Act 2009, alleging eight adverse actions as a result of lodging a whistleblower complaint she was entitled to make under the Public Service Act. Mr Hassan said he had no concerns about the litigation proceeding. Far fewer know their real story, The messy family drama behind one of the world's biggest K-pop empires, Max Verstappen takes Bahrain F1 pole, Aussie Oscar Piastri ousted in first Q1, Motocross rider dies after falling from bike at Victoria's Wonthaggi Motocross Track, 15 people rescued from Central Victorian mine after fire.