Section 40:3-5 - Commission to supersede all commissions; body corporate; disbursements; investments, Section 40:3-6 - Certain officers to act when commission not functioning, Section 40:3-7 - Foreclosure of mortgages; municipal sinking fund for school district bonds, Section 40:3-8 - Commissioners not to receive compensation; bonds; secretary and assistants, Section 40:3-9 - Custodian of moneys and securities; investments; accounts, Section 40:3-10 - Sinking fund moneys; investment of, Section 40:3-11 - Annual report; publication, Section 40:3-12 - Accounts; how kept; classification of bonds; accretions; interest; losses, Section 40:3-13 - When commission may sell bonds of county, school district or municipality, Section 40:3-14 - Bonds falling due; funds transmitted for payment, Section 40:3-15 - Commissioners may enforce payment to sinking fund of sums due, Section 40:3-16 - Annual sinking fund requirements; amortization basis, Section 40:3-17 - Sinking fund requirements for year; how calculated, Section 40:3-18 - When contributions to cease, Section 40:3-19 - Excess accumulations, to reduce requirements of sinking fund; deficiency, Section 40:3-20 - Outstanding term bonds tabulated; adjustment of excesses and deficits; surpluses, Section 40:3-21 - Deficiency in sinking funds; how raised, Section 40:3-22 - Special sinking fund requirements additional to annual requirements, Section 40:3-23 - Special sinking fund; distribution of, Section 40:3-24 - Interest on surplus; use of. Section 40:69A-60.5 - Appointment of executive secretary, aides. Section 40:48-2.56 - Recreation trust fund, creation, use. Section 40:48-2.62 - Receipt, investigation of complaints relative to donation clothing bin. Section 40:55D-25 - Powers of planning board. Section 40:50-16 - Host community benefit agreements. Section 40:66A-4 - Creation of incinerator or environmental services authority. Section 40:20-35.11b - Selection of interim successor, Section 40:20-35.11c - Nomination of candidate from floor, Section 40:20-35.12 - Vacancy in offices of all or majority of members, Section 40:20-35.13 - Appointees; qualifications, Section 40:20-71 - Director; selection; substitute, Section 40:20-71.1 - Designation of another freeholder, Section 40:20-71.2 - Appointments by county executive. Section 40:48-17.1 - Surplus revenues or anticipated receipts; use for school purposes; budget, Section 40:48-17.3 - Surplus revenues or anticipated receipts; use for school purposes; budget, Section 40:48-17.5 - Financing project; bonds; use of proceeds to repay federal advances, Section 40:48-17.7 - Establishment of special reserve accounts for school building construction; transfer of funds, Section 40:48-17.8 - Transfer of funds to school district, Section 40:48-18 - Joint municipal and county work; referendum when a public utility, Section 40:48-19 - Joint contract for work; amendments, Section 40:48-20 - Joint acquisition of lands, buildings and equipment; officers and employees, Section 40:48-21 - Financing joint project, Section 40:48-22 - Organization of municipalities for mutual welfare; officers, Section 40:48-23 - Representation in joint organization; contribution to support; representative's expenses, Section 40:48-24 - Special meetings of governing body, Section 40:48-25 - Municipal investigation committees; power to issue subpoenas; service of, Section 40:48-26 - Refusal of witness to testify; punishment by Superior Court, Section 40:48-28 - Oaths administered; perjury, Section 40:48A-1 - Acquisition, construction and maintenance of public improvements, works, etc. Section 40:41A-122 - Notice of district boundaries; publication, Section 40:41A-123 - Adjustments in district boundaries following census, Section 40:41A-124 - Schedule of installation of optional plan adopted. Section 40:15A-1 - Definitions relative to Yellow Dot programs. Section 40:66-1.5 - Reimbursement schedule. Giovanetti served as a patrol officer on the midnight shift from 2000-07 and as a . Section 40:66A-9 - Local unit may appropriate moneys. Section 40:52-1 - Power to license and regulate. Key Dates for the Promotional Exams Application Opening: July 1, 2020 Application Deadline: July 22, 2020 Notice to Appear for Exam: September 4, 2020 Examination Date: September 19, 2020 (Saturday) Section 40:41A-35.1 - Filling of vacancy, interim selection pending election of successor. Section 40:14B-41 - Interest on unpaid service charges, Section 40:14B-42 - Lien for service charge, Section 40:14B-43 - Failure to pay service charge; shut off of service, Section 40:14B-44 - Failure to pay sewer service charge; shut off of water, Section 40:14B-45 - Enforcement of service charges, Section 40:14B-46 - Civil action to recover unpaid service charge, Section 40:14B-47 - Cumulative and concurrent rights and remedies, Section 40:14B-48 - Grant of utilities to authority, Section 40:14B-49 - Contracts for treatment and disposal of sewage or solid waste, Section 40:14B-50 - Effectuating terms of contracts, Section 40:14B-51 - Connections with or closing off other public facilities, Section 40:14B-53 - Availability of maps, plans, specifications, records, books and accounts, Section 40:14B-54 - Payment of service charges owed by public bodies, Section 40:14B-55 - Connections with sewerage system required, Section 40:14B-56 - Reports by water distributors within district, Section 40:14B-57 - Stoppage of water by water distributor, Section 40:14B-58 - Disposal or encumbrance of utility, Section 40:14B-60 - Discharge of sewage; discharges into sewage, solid waste or water systems; violations; injunction, Section 40:14B-61 - Approval of sewage disposal plants within district, Section 40:14B-62 - Investment in bonds of authority, Section 40:14B-64 - Guarantee of vested rights of bondholders, Section 40:14B-65 - Undertakings for deposits of municipal authority, Section 40:14B-67 - Filing of copy of bond resolution, Section 40:14B-71 - Findings, declarations relative to municipal review, approval of plans for utility improvements, Section 40:14B-72 - Definitions relative to municipal review, approval of plans for utility improvements, Section 40:14B-73 - Conditions of final site plan approval, Section 40:14B-74 - Payments to professionals for services rendered to municipal authority, Section 40:14B-75 - Maintenance, performance guarantee; cash requirement, Section 40:14B-76 - Disputes by applicant of charges made by professional; appeal, Section 40:14B-77 - Estimate of cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:14B-78 - Acceptance of performance, maintenance guarantee which is irrevocable letter of credit. Section 40:55D-66.15 - Conditions for deeming abandoned; legal action. Section 40:54-29.18 - Capital improvements; certification of sums needed; apportionment of costs, Section 40:54-29.19 - Appropriation for capital improvements; borrowing, Section 40:54-29.20 - Consent to capital improvements; expenditures, Section 40:54-29.22 - Discontinuance of participation in joint library; notice; joint meeting of governing bodies, Section 40:54-29.24 - Discontinuance; form of ballot, Section 40:54-29.25 - Discontinuance; effect of majority approval; participation in joint library by remaining municipalities, Section 40:54A-1 - Authorization to create seaquarium authority; name, Section 40:54A-2 - Appointment of members; qualifications; terms; vacancies; conflict of interest; oath; compensation; officers; quorum; bonds, Section 40:54A-3 - Employees and assistants; compensation; selection; civil service; offices; records, Section 40:54A-6 - Resolution of governing body; investigation and report by authority. Section 40:48-2.65 - Definitions; impoundment of shopping carts by municipalities. Section 40:76-1 - After six years may resume charter, Section 40:76-2 - Petition for submission; proposition stated, Section 40:76-3 - Petition; form and content, Section 40:76-4 - Petition need not be on single paper; affidavit annexed, Section 40:76-5 - Clerk to examine petition; minor deviations permissible, Section 40:76-6 - Defective petitions; clerk to notify agent, Section 40:76-7 - Determination of validity of clerk's objections, Section 40:76-8 - If petitioners prevail clerk to call election, Section 40:76-9 - If clerk prevails petition returned to agent, Section 40:76-10 - Petition amended; refiling, Section 40:76-11 - Clerk to examine amended petition; procedure same as with original, Section 40:76-12 - When petition finally accepted clerk to call election; procedure, Section 40:76-13 - Clerk to fix date for election; how fixed, Section 40:76-14 - Election not to be held in year of regular election, Section 40:76-15 - Notice of election; form and content, Section 40:76-16 - Copy of notice filed with board of commissioners, Section 40:76-17 - Copies of notice posted and published, Section 40:76-18 - Arrangements for election; expenses, Section 40:76-19 - Time and place of election; conduct of election, Section 40:76-20 - Addition of names to registry books; county board to sit, Section 40:76-21 - Ballot; number, form and content, Section 40:76-22 - Results canvassed and certified; contents of certificate, Section 40:76-23 - Vote required for adoption; effect of adoption; exceptions, Section 40:76-24 - Application and operation of certain laws not affected, Section 40:76-25 - Educational system unaffected. Section 40:48C-17 - Exemption of non-profit corporations or associations, Section 40:48C-18 - Liability of employer to only one municipality, Section 40:48C-34 - Ordinances; contents; payment to municipality; use of funds; effective date of imposition of tax, Section 40:48C-35 - Tax as debt of taxpayer; action for collection; limitation of action, Section 40:48C-36 - Issuance of certificate of indebtedness, Section 40:48C-37 - Interest and penalties on unpaid tax, Section 40:48C-38 - Appeal of determination of liability, Section 40:48C-39 - Failure to make report or allow inspection; failure to disclose amount due, Section 40:48C-40 - Copy of ordinance to state officers, Section 40:48C-41 - Tax exemption; religious, charitable or educational institutions or organizations, Section 40:48C-42 - Inapplicability of exemption for parking taxes to certain State entities. nj title 40 police promotionsbusiness mailbox rental. 31.03 CHIEF OF POLICE; POWERS AND DUTIES. Section 40:48-2.59 - Municipal powers to abate graffiti. You already receive all suggested Justia Opinion Summary Newsletters. Section 40:11A-8 - Bonds; power to issue. Section 40:48-2.52 - Definitions relative to adoption of curfew ordinances for juveniles. Section 40:48-2.17 - Expenditures; duly sworn claim required, Section 40:48-2.26 - Brush and hedges near roadways and intersections, cutting of, Section 40:48-2.27 - Cost of cutting brush and hedges; charging against lands; lien, Section 40:48-2.28 - Fire prevention ordinances authorized, Section 40:48-2.29 - Designation of enforcement officials; right of entry for inspection purposes; educational program relating to space heaters. Section 40:55D-17 - Appeal to the governing body; time; notice; modification; stay of proceedings, Section 40:55D-19 - Appeal or petition in certain cases to the Board of Public Utilities, Section 40:55D-20 - Exclusive authority of planning board and board of adjustment, Section 40:55D-21 - Tolling of running of period of approval, Section 40:55D-22 - Conditional approvals. Final Overall Average: 70.4 + 19 = 89.400 An officer with the exact same test score but with the minimum 3 years of qualifying service would be as follows: 88 (test score) .8 = 70.4 (weighted exam score) 3 years + 70 base credit + 10 service credit = 83 83 .2 = 16.6 (weighted seniority score) Final Overall Average: 70.4 + 16.6 = 86.600 Section 40:20-10 - Superior Court judge to resolve doubt on right to vote, Section 40:20-11 - Method of voting; results returned, Section 40:20-12 - Ballots; form and content; sample ballots, Section 40:20-13 - Nonpartisan poll book; ballots numbered, Section 40:20-14 - Submission at general election, Section 40:20-15 - Ballot; form and content; counting. Section 40:55D-96 - Exceptions, permitted, Section 40:55D-97 - Submission of storm water management plan, ordinances; approval, Section 40:55D-98 - Grants for preparation of storm water management plans, Section 40:55D-99 - Technical assistance and planning grants for municipalities from counties and county planning agencies and water resources associations, Section 40:55D-101 - Legislative findings and declarations, Section 40:55D-103 - Manufactured homes on land with title in owner, Section 40:55D-104 - Prohibition of use by municipal agency of discriminatory development regulations to exclude or restrict, Section 40:55D-105 - Review and approval of development regulations by municipal agency; determination of mobile home parks as means of affordable housing, Section 40:55D-106 - Trailers; inapplicability of act, Section 40:55D-107 - Historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-108 - Historic preservation commission funded by governing body, Section 40:55D-109 - Responsibilities of commission, Section 40:55D-110 - Applications for development referred to historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-111 - Issuance of permits pertaining to historic sites referred to historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-112 - "Landmark" as substitute, Section 40:55D-114 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-116 - Development transfers, Section 40:55D-117 - Report; infrastructure plan; amendment of master plan, land use regulations, Section 40:55D-118 - Designation of sending, receiving zones, Section 40:55D-119 - Development transfer ordinance, Section 40:55D-121 - Review, recommendations by county planning board, CADB, Office of State Planning, Section 40:55D-122 - Recording of transfer; record to assessor; taxation, Section 40:55D-123 - 3-year, six-year reviews; prevention of repeal, Section 40:55D-124 - Repeal of development transfer ordinance, Section 40:55D-125 - Development transfer bank, Section 40:55D-125.1 - Solid waste facility buffer zone; definitions, Section 40:55D-126 - Sale of development potential, Section 40:55D-127 - Right to bargain for equitable interest, Section 40:55D-128 - Farm benefits rights, Section 40:55D-131 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-133 - Extension of approval; exceptions, Section 40:55D-134 - Extension of project exemption, Section 40:55D-136 - Liberal construction. Section 40:48F-2 - Provisions contained in ordinance. Section 40:56-55 - Correction without appeal. ; federal grants for community centers, Section 40:60-25.1 - Public parking lots; acquisition of land; use of land; leases, Section 40:60-25.2 - Lease of land for parking lot, Section 40:60-25.3 - Improvement and maintenance; employees, Section 40:60-25.4 - Operating expenses; parking fees, Section 40:60-25.5 - Liability of municipality for damages, Section 40:60-25.8 - Municipality may purchase property exempt from taxation because of state contract, Section 40:60-25.9 - Other property may also be purchased, Section 40:60-25.11 - Appropriations; bonds and notes, Section 40:60-25.12 - Intent of act; validity of bonds and notes, Section 40:60-25.13 - Disposition of property; repairs and maintenance, Section 40:60-25.14 - Surrender of tax exemption, Section 40:60-25.15 - Incidental powers of municipality, Section 40:60-25.17 - Inconsistent acts superseded, Section 40:60-25.18 - Industrial property; management, Section 40:60-25.19 - Plant management commission; members, Section 40:60-25.20 - Powers of commission, Section 40:60-25.21 - Revenue from plant operations; dedicated funds, Section 40:60-25.22 - Sale of plants; proceeds pledged to payment of bonds issued, Section 40:60-25.23 - Annual reports by commission, Section 40:60-25.24 - Terms and conditions of leases or sales of plants; approval of contracts, Section 40:60-25.25 - Employment of manager, engineers, etc. 1250 Route 130 N, Burlington, NJ 08016. Section 40:48E-3 - Additional tax may be imposed. Section 40:14B-40.2 - Pilot program to allow county utilities authorities to fund infrastructure improvements. ; civil service applicable to employees, Section 40:60-25.27 - Autobus terminals; power to establish; leases; conditions, Section 40:60-25.28 - Use of municipal property, Section 40:60-25.29 - Lands declared to be acquired and used for a public purpose; eminent domain, Section 40:60-25.30 - Private property; purchase or condemnation; bonds; construction cost a municipal charge; fees; rules and regulations, Section 40:60-25.31 - Property acquired to be self-supporting and taxable, Section 40:60-25.32 - Annual appropriations, Section 40:60-25.33 - Cemeteries which are public nuisances; acquisition by municipalities and boards of education, Section 40:60-25.34 - Cemeteries detrimental to public health or morals; possession by municipality, Section 40:60-25.36 - Use for park, school purposes or other public uses, Section 40:60-25.37 - Proceedings where church or other corporation controlling cemetery is unable or refuses to convey, Section 40:60-25.40 - Removal of bodies and reburial; records and maps, Section 40:60-25.41 - Taking of possession, Section 40:60-25.42 - Commissioners to appraise land; notice, Section 40:60-25.43 - Cost of removal of bodies and of new site; lien; payment of difference to lot owners, Section 40:60-25.44 - Report; objections; notice, Section 40:60-25.45 - Objections to report, Section 40:60-25.46 - Borrowing money; bonds, Section 40:60-25.51 - Acquisition of land and buildings for use by municipality, county, State or United States; courts; lease, Section 40:60-25.52 - Financing of acquisition and improvement; acquisition of facilities for use by county or courts, Section 40:60-25.53 - Historic sites; acquisition and maintenance, Section 40:60-25.54 - Acquisition of lands for future school sites; approval, Section 40:60-25.55 - Future school sites; use for public purpose pending conveyance to board of education, Section 40:60-25.56 - Consideration for conveyance to board of education, Section 40:60-25.57 - Acquisition of real property for use by State-operated college of medicine or college of medicine and dentistry, Section 40:60-25.58 - Declaration of taking; filing; deposit of estimated value; surrender of possession; notice; amount of compensation, Section 40:60-25.59 - Relocation assistance program; services, Section 40:60-25.60 - Payments to displaced persons, business concern or nonprofit organization, Section 40:60-25.61 - Abandoned burying ground or cemetery; application for order vesting title in municipality, Section 40:60-25.62 - Inquiry to locate owner; certification, Section 40:60-25.63 - Vesting of title in municipality, Section 40:60-25.64 - Maintaining and preserving burying ground or cemetery; interments; disinterments, Section 40:60-28 - Sale of vacated street land; advertisement unnecessary, Section 40:60-28.1 - Riparian lands purportedly dedicated as street; sale when not needed, Section 40:60-32 - Vacation of lands dedicated to public use other than a public street; referendum, Section 40:60-33 - Referendum; notice and publication, Section 40:60-34 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:60-35 - Fee restored to owner to be absolute, Section 40:60-36.1 - Lands restricted to beach and park purposes; retention or disposition; referendum; optional courses, Section 40:60-36.2 - Lands conveyed with conditions, limitations and restrictions; election on retention, Section 40:60-36.3 - Offer of reconveyance of lands conveyed with conditions and restrictions, Section 40:60-36.4 - Use of lands conveyed with conditions on refusal of offer of reconveyance, Section 40:60-40.6 - Reconveyance of unneeded lands to nonprofit hospital association, Section 40:60-40.7 - Persons whose residential improved property is to be acquired for highway or other public purposes; application to buy unneeded lands, Section 40:60-40.8 - Ordinance authorizing sale; price; terms and conditions, Section 40:60-40.9 - Contents of notice of pendency of ordinance resolution authorizing sale and conveyance; reversion of title, Section 40:60-41 - Public burial grounds devoted to other public uses; disinterment of bodies, Section 40:60-46 - Leasing municipally owned and operated casino and bathing establishment; referendum, Section 40:60-49 - Advertisement for bids; award, Section 40:60-49.1 - Lease of cultural centers; exemption of leasehold interest from taxation, Section 40:60-50 - Transfer of municipal property to federal government for national park, Section 40:60-51 - National park; referendum if voters protest. Section 40:27-6.7 - Report of approval or disapproval to local authority; time limit; extension, Section 40:27-6.8 - Resolution vesting power to review and approve subdivisions and site plans with director, Section 40:27-6.9 - Appeal by aggrieved persons; hearing; decision, Section 40:27-6.10 - Filing copy of planning and zoning ordinances with boards; notice of proposed revision of ordinance, Section 40:27-6.11 - Application to board of adjustment involving land fronting county road, adjoins other county lands or is within 200 feet of municipal boundary; notice, Section 40:27-6.12 - Continuation of board's authority to review and approve land subdivision, Section 40:27-6.13 - Notice of hearing on granting variance or establishing or amending official municipal map; contents, Section 40:27-8 - Existing boards continued in conformity with this chapter, Section 40:28-1 - Lands and buildings for airport purposes; acquisition, Section 40:28-2 - Lease of airport to state, Section 40:28-3 - Power to construct, operate, lease and regulate airports, Section 40:28-4 - Bonds for airport purposes; maturity, Section 40:29-1 - Appropriation to assist federal government in building bulkheads, Section 40:29-10 - Beach protection; municipal co-operation, Section 40:29-11 - Approval of plans; county to control work, Section 40:32-2.1 - Acquisition and maintenance of lands and interests for park, recreation, welfare and hospital purposes, Section 40:32-2.2 - Resolution of board; title, Section 40:32-2.3 - Lands, buildings and structures, Section 40:32-2.4 - Budget; limitations on appropriation, Section 40:32-2.6 - Constabulary; establishment; members, Section 40:32-2.7 - Arrests without warrant, Section 40:32-6 - Acquisition and preservation of historical buildings and data, Section 40:32-7.6 - Counties not having park commission; acquisition of golf course and other recreational facilities, Section 40:32-7.7 - Maintenance, improvement and operation; buildings, structures and equipment, Section 40:32-7.9 - Supervision and control, Section 40:32-7.10 - Appropriation by board of chosen freeholders, Section 40:32-7.11 - Fees, rents and charges, Section 40:32-7.12 - Rules and regulations, Section 40:32-7.13 - Actions for violations; enforcement of rules, Section 40:32-7.14 - Fines and penalties; disposition, Section 40:32-7.15 - Lease of lands and buildings acquired for public golf course and other recreational purposes, Section 40:32-7.17 - Power conferred as additional, Section 40:32-14 - Veterans' housing projects; acquisition and use, Section 40:32-16 - Operation and use of veterans' housing projects, Section 40:32-18 - Disposition of property when no longer needed for housing purposes, Section 40:32-19 - Appropriation for operating, Section 40:33-1 - County library; establishment, Section 40:33-3 - Petition for submission, Section 40:33-4 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:33-5 - Results canvassed and returned; vote required for adoption, Section 40:33-5.1 - Establishment by resolution in counties under 150,000. Section 40:52-1.1 - Proof of compliance with section 34:15-71 required; revocation of license for failure, Section 40:52-1.2 - Delinquent property taxes; revocation, suspension of license, Section 40:52-1.3 - Sales tax certificate required for licensing of certain vendors, Section 40:52-2 - License fees fixed; penalties, Section 40:52-4 - Licensing persons selling produce at public markets; fee for producers. Section 40:43-66.42 - Election of members of consolidation commission. Section 40:48-2.16 - Monument, memorial to commemorate service of armed forces. Section 40:48-5.1 - Contracts with humane societies where no pound established; advertisement unnecessary, Section 40:48-5.2 - Contracts for separation of grades at railroad crossings, Section 40:48-5.3 - Exhibitions of products and industries; poultry or agricultural exhibitions, Section 40:48-5.4 - Celebration of public event, anniversary or holiday, Section 40:48-5.10 - Amendment of permission granted by municipality to comply with federal regulations, Section 40:48-5.11 - Right of municipality to grant permission for interconnection of systems in operation prior to June 17, 1971, Section 40:48-6 - Records kept and business conducted in municipal building; vaults, Section 40:48-7 - Power of taxation; generally, Section 40:48-7.1 - Tax credit for properties with service charges payable to other municipality, Section 40:48-8.15 - Retail sales tax in fourth class cities.