Aphoom Zhah is a living white-gray flickering mass of flame, which gives off a sickly, cold, and unhealthy glow. Its head appeared little more than a suppurating orifice, which at times sucked in huge bouts of air and then breathed out in bursts, sending upward bloody sputum and foul matter into the air. The Order has a long association with a nearby colony of deep ones; consequently, a high proportion of the cults members are deep one hybrids. If venturing to Yian-Ho, a person would feel an almost electrical buzz in the air emanating from the sphere containing these deities. Some chosen ones remain with the entity, which feeds off them, draining 5 points of CON daily until they die and are cast aside. The displacement costs the victim an automatic 1D6 Sanity points. Such people tend to hold Saaitii either in solo devotion or within a small pantheon of earth spirits. While most such groups are, more or less, harmless, a few may have formed a stronger, direct connection to the entity, granting them deeper sight of its cosmic nature. High ranking cultists may undergo a literal baptism of fire, immolating themselves for a brief period to prove their devotionwhile the outcome is death for many, some survive, hairless and disfigured, and more deeply devoted than before. I was hoping that since it was so "Definitive" that it would have images of every monster. Among many worlds and societies, avatars may be embraced and taken to be gods in their own right; however, in all cases, they are simply masks or forms created to best convey and perform the will of another being. While CON can be regained at the rate of 1 point per 24 hours, the surviving investigator should attempt a Luck roll; if failed, half of the CON lost by Aphoom Zhahs touch and 2D10 points of APP are permanently lost. Depending on the distance, the ensorcelled victim may attempt the roll each round until they are within being eaten range of the entity. Such tales speak of Vorvadoss unwillingness to confront or directly interact with other Mythos deities, as to do so would be beneath it in some manner. An apostrophe indicates a compacted short-I sound. These beings are as perplexing as horrific, with many of their forms not making sense to human eyes. Other names: Abhorrent One, the Consumer, Feasting Thing, Vile One. The Mythos is weird, go with it. At zero POW, the victims brain remains alive within a dead body and continues to live forever trapped in a rotting frame (losing at least 1 point of Sanity per day until permanently insane). Such accounts give credence to the belief that this alien race also honors Xada-Hgla. 141 CHAPTER 2 m a l Encounters Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, is said to possess one thousand forms, each acting independently of the others, yet directed and combined through a single will. 250 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS psychical darkness, semi-corporeal. 7 UNKNOWABLE: 1 ABOUT THE GODS OF THE MYTHOS CHAPTER W The Cthulhu Mythos is yours. Grab (mnvr): those grasped are pulled toward its body and into its shell to be dissolved in the sticky and burning flesh within (2D10 damager per round). Used with permission. In this respect, the appearances are short-lived and more akin to a supernatural event rather than a meeting with a deity. Eihorts Brood: these are small, globular, pale-white grublike or spider-like creatures. Despite such changes, Tulzscha is unable to move from the point of its summons/manifestation and is effectively immobile (in the void of space, it is free to move). Occasionally, an idol of Ythogtha comes to light, often misattributed to some earthly creature, god, or mythological creation, and, as these are highly sought after by certain scholars and worshippers, the competition to claim, steal, or purchase these can be fierce. Those who were fully possessed fall dead when Ygolonac departs their body. In this manner, does the entity create lurkers (see below). Such once-human creatures give little away and are virtually impossible to read with Psychology rolls. Such periods of feeding appear to be brief and separated by millennia of stillness. Stomp (mnvr): those within 100 yards/meters of Cthulhu must succeed with a Dodge roll or be squashed flat (20D6 damage). If reduced to zero hit points, Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg dissolves suddenly into a viscous black liquid containing wriggling carrion worms and other nasties, which then sinks into the ground. Groth-Golka, demon bird-god Sanity Loss: 1D8/1D20 Sanity points. Powers Working the Solution: attempting to solve the enigmatic equation requires an INT of 90 or higher (those with lower INT cannot begin to fathom the mathematical problem, although certain spells or artifacts may temporarily grant an INT boostthe Keeper should determine whether such help allows a character to work toward the solution. It may reform in 4D100 years. Cast Away (mnvr): may dispel a target by hurling them away, using its otherworldly force to fling unwanted nuisances into the air (sometimes into space). Aura Most times, any encounters are liable to be connected to places of death and decay. Regenerates 1D10 hit points per round (death at zero hit points). But I just need a class with Soulknife, Battlemind, and Psion (caster) subclasses.. These deal no damage whatsoever. The effect of seeing representations of the Old One mirrors that of artistic renditions of the fishers from outside, causing humans to experience nightmares due to the psychic residue or connection that appears to emanate from such works. But, nevertheless, if such music could be captured (by human, mi-go, or other) and replayed, it could pose a most awful weapon. The Outer Gods are controlled, or at least represented, to some extent by their messenger and soul, Nyarlathotep. They foretell of a time to come when the old rites shall return and they will wake their god from its sleep. One tale, told by an inhabitant of Innsmouth, MA, likened the pair to Cthulhus star-spawn, which remains a possibility in terms of their origin. No comet is this that charts its movement in curves. Possible Blessings Carriers: able to identify and somehow magically wake a component portion of Hastalk, a cultist may carry that sentient element within them, bestowing their touch with a mutable agency that causes sickness in those they touch. Some take on the nature of their viewers while others are fixed and machine-like horrors. Fighting Dodge 80% (40/16), damage 1D6+2D6 75% (37/15) Armor 8-point tough skin. with a body mass index of somewhere over 35). Its aspect was of a loping and crouching thing, and altogether unwholesome. Otherwise, cults honoring this Old One seem rare, and, where they do appear, are small affairs. In addition, humans may feel a sense of confusion, as colors, sounds, and their general awareness seems wrong (e.g. Please head over to The Alcove to converse about your favourite RPG's there! Freezing Touch: flesh and objects touched by Rlim Shaikorth freeze solid and never thaw out, even if exposed to fire. In essence, Gol-goroth is a loathsome thing, corrupting any humanity it touches. to your cart, we will add the PDF to your shopping cart after you add the physical book in order 101 CHAPTER 2 m a l Encounters Powers Body Modification: Hasturs physical form is not fixed, it is able to warp and reshape its mass at will: extending or retracting limbs, changing from watery-thing to flyingthing, appearing humanoid, and so on. If reduced to zero hit points, in human form, the monstrous form bursts forth (at full hit points) and proceeds to attack anything nearby, fighting for a few rounds before dissolving into the ground. In such a form, drawn from the viewers mind in terms of what they consider beautiful, the viewer is compelled to come close, believing they are communicating with someone of deep fascination and beauty, and, as result, find it incomprehensible that others cannot see the beauty before them. Think of the indie developers. 104 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Encounters This avatar is considered to only appear on Earth, given its human-seeming form, although it is theoretically possible that it assumes other forms when treating with alien races elsewhere. For some, it may have been the discovery of old tomes that spoke of the Old Gods and their powers, while others might have looked to the skies or under the earth and found signs, relics, or messages that corrupted their minds. Possible Blessings Touch of Fire: those touched suffer burns (1D6 damage per round; costing 5 magic points). TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: SHUDDE MELL STR 450 CON 400 SIZ 600 DEX 75 Hit Points: 100 Damage Bonus (DB): +12D6 Build: 13 Move: 8 / 10 burrowing Combat Attacks per round: 1D4+4 (tentacles) or 1D4 (grab) or 1 (smash) May use its tentacles to bash, attacking with 1D4+4 tentacles (6D6 damage), may grab and then crush or drain up to 1D4 opponents, or use its bulk to smash and pound once per round. Abhoth, the source of uncleanness Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points. Despite the warnings noted for its summoning, some are filled with the desire to learn the forbidden secrets of the ages and put misgivings aside in the hope that Quachil Uttaus may teach them, while others believing the deity to have power over life and death, request a halt to the aging process, eternal youth, or the replenishment of life. Encounters While this deity is rarely encountered, it may account for the disappearance of ships that stray too close to its resting place, or those who unwittingly cross into what it perceives as its domain. While not every Mythos god to ever grace the pages of fiction and game are here, there are over 110 entries all told, comprising a significant representation of otherworldly beings to bring fear and madness to investigators of the unknown. Again, magic or the intervention of another Mythos power may stop and/or revert the change. Posted by Zackary Clarke on 10th Jul 2021. Encounters with the Old Ones cults is a probability for those who work or venture beneath towns and cities, or who are charged with looking into the reasons behind sudden power cuts that bring extended darkness to otherwise bright city streets. Before advanced rot sets in, the possessed may go about society performing tasks in the service of Tulzscha (although it must cover its eyes, which are burned away at the point of possession, leaving empty sockets that glow with a faint green light). The cult is highly secretive and believed to have a few splinter cells across the United States, with each cell comprising no more than a handful of members. Such an escape or rescue may be attempted only once, for, on the next round, the hapless victim is pulled deep into the Great Old Ones writhing mass, and suffering 11D6 damage per round. Thus, Yidhra constantly evolves and changes, now taking human shapes to better blend and influence. Its rare for these Mythos gods to make an appearance and, when they do, they are not simply big monsters for the investigators to kill. Another tells of a mysterious Pale Acolyte who will one day come to bear Chaugnar Faugn to a new land. Some scholars suggest the Pale Acolyte is none other than Nyarlathotep, although this line of thinking has been dismissed by others, who believe the figure is another Old One, who is destined to combine with and thereby become one with Chaugnar Faugn. STR 300 CON 180 SIZ 390* DEX 60 *SIZ shown at maximum; may appear with decreased SIZE. While being insubstantial, BMoths presence affects humans adversely, causing otherwise rational people to quickly descend into primal and savage states, driving them to commit bestial acts of violence. The Keeper is encouraged to create more. A Luck should be made, with failure causing the consumer to grow weeping eyes across their body, which results in the loss of 1D6 Sanity points per day until permanently insane. If CON reaches zero the victim is dead, reduced down to their essential salts**. Note that this effect remains the same for a portion of Azathoth (see below), although the range and damage are reduced to 5 10 yards/meters and 1D10 respectively, and the group Luck roll should be made once Sanity Loss: 1D10/1D100 Sanity points; 1D6/1D10+2 loss for encountering a portion of Azathoth. It is able to produce a dizzying array of appendages, organs, and limbs will, yet these mostly appear to be random and without purpose to human eyes. Spider Limbs: body is transformed, possessing multiple limbs or spider-like limbs instead of human ones. Whether motivated by all-encompassing desire to kill all life, or this being a method of sustaining its own life, is unknown, although the term cannibalism has been used more than once in connection with this deity. Mundane weapons (incl. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: HASTALYK STR n/a CON n/a SIZ n/a DEX n/a Hit Points: n/a Damage Bonus (DB): n/a Build: n/a Move: n/a HASTUR Combat Attacks per round: n/a Possesses no physicality or ability to engage in combat, nor spellcasting powers. Call of cthulu rpg fantasy shop, . Use the sanity losses in the entries in this book to form a baseline. Rifts All The Tropes Wiki FANDOM Powered By Wikia. These other beings may act or speak on behalf of the Old One, and make strike their own bargains with the humans who summoned them. that later divided or split in some fashion to create these different distinct beings. Indeed, it would appear appropriate for this entity to take a form appealing to the viewer, allowing it to hold mastery and command over those who encounter it. This Moon-Beast trait is universe, though Lunar proximity makes humans the so consistent that it may evidence direct mental or If either Nctosa and Nctolhu are reduced to zero hit points they both rapidly liquefy, leaving nothing behind but their immense shells. To others, such cultists are wild-eyed, manic, and intolerant. Those affected become obsessed with finding Carcosa (or somehow bringing Carcosa to them): seeking out lore, painstakingly reading and rereading The King in Yellow text, creating works of art, seeking others of a similar mind, and so on. Undoubtedly, the varied arguments concerning Ithaquas plight and agenda will continue for some time; however, one must not forget the reality of this entity and its propensity for both lethality and destruction, which, while remaining as folklore for the majority, is a source of true suffering and terror for a few. The victim may break free of the hold with an Extreme STR or Hard DEX roll, although those pulled into its mass are dead if unable to escape by their next action. The fabled Lake of Hali, in which the deity is said to dwell, is its prison and at times appears to wash up on the coast of the city of Carcosa in which the King in Yellow is said to rule or will rule. Each round, call for a CON roll, once this has been failed, the character begins to take 2 damage per round until they depart the area; once at half hit points, the character falls unconscious due to heat exhaustion and smoke inhalation if a Hard CON roll is failed. This game is great, message me on discord gutterpunch#6206 and lets chat about it. If reduced to zero hit points, a Lesser Other God will vanish. The Call of Cthulhu Malleus Monstrorum on Roll20 includes: A combined Compendium with all book assets, including rules pages for presenting the mythos and monsters from both volumes. Hit Points: n/a Damage Bonus (DB): n/a Build: n/a Move: n/a Combat Attacks per round: n/a Chorazin has no physical attacks. Is it the spawn of another being? Some sub-sects of the cult are believed to have become solely focused on Zoth-Ommog, a being they see as the heir to Cthulhu, and a more tangible and real presence in the world. It reforms 1D4 years later, somewhere other than Earth. Many such surviving creatures (see Abhoth, Spawn CHAPTER 2 m a l Abhoth may treat with them (perhaps granting information or a boon) or, more likely, eat them. Possible Blessings Divine Physicality: some are blessed with physical changes, with parts of their bodies reshaped to take on aspects of Tsathoggua, such as furry skin, misshapen toad-like heads, or strange limbs. with Yibb-Tstll seen as one the children of the Dark Mother, Shub-Niggurath. Debate continues to rage concerning this entity, which most consider to be an Old One (possibly born of UbboSathla, Tsathoggua, Cthulhu, or Abhoththe information is fragmentary and puzzling at best), although some scholars believe it to be a mask of Nyarlathotep (due to a perplexing reference in the Necronomicon, where it is described as the Dweller in Darkness). Those fully drained of POW die, their bodies becoming withered husks. It would seem that worshippers are usually solo players, isolated and reclusive types who may have come across fragments of knowledge pertaining to this Outer God in old tomes, or else in the whispered gossip of certain musicians circles.