Your email address will not be published. 7. The spread of people with this genetic combination: 3. You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. To add even further information to the answers of Frans du Plessis and Guy Verrijdt the mutation of blue eyes has a biological effect. Platinum As far as statement hair colors go, it doesn't get bolder than platinum blonde hair. My father was from former Yugoslavia and my mothers family were Lithuanian and my sister and I have blue eyes and blonde hair and we are lucky to still have our natural blonde hair at 50 and 48 years old. Generally speaking, blondes have over 100,000 more hair as compared to people of other hair colors. Its legitimate to ask what race is the most beautiful. Suffices to say that the Portuguese. The color of the eye is present in the iris. Her eyes betrayed a sternness, but also a great capacity for kindness, helpfulness and understanding. European men seem even to prefer the looks of such Oriental women. Hitler had the idea that the "superior" genetics were ones with blue eyes and blond hair. On the Out of Africa theory the genetics strongly support it, but dont buy the simpleton models portrayed by the scientifically illiterate types. However, the look was not accepted by everyone. 3. Various groups accused the series of promoting Aryan values since the look closely associated blonde hair and blue eyes with inhuman power. This is largely due to genetics; people from Asian countries have been known to carry the genes for dark hair and eyes for centuries, and these genes are strong. Everything between them has been destroyed by abrahamism. This month, Dragon Ball Super's story arc kicked off the 'Universal Survival' saga. Also, I find it somewhat amusing that racial nationalists who are supposedly gung-ho about preserving Nordic traits are so eager to put down Southern and sometimes Eastern Europeans while remaining silent about white-Asian sexual relationships, even among White Nationalists. When she hit the red carpet with her real Old Hollywood-style hair, jaws dropped. That is why; a person is more likely to be struck by lightning than having this genetic combination. Brainwash the embarrassingly gullible and easily influenced White females into thinking that covering their bodies with gross tattoos is trendy and fashionable. Skin lightening products are also a huge industry in Africa as lighter skinned Africans are considered more beautiful and upwardly mobile than darker skinned Africans. Pokemon: Detective Pikachu Sequel Lands Director With Portlandia Co-Creator. Why these people and not others? Generally speaking, blondes have over 100,000 more hair as compared to people of other hair colors. For some fans, Dragon Ball Z's depiction of the Super Saiyan state was a problematic one. You can spot them all over the globe. Thank you. That doesnt mean complex conspiracy theories! There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. One small example: The dictator of Belarussia Lukashenko. hellen means bright.). Fortunately, this is a very common question to get. They were lighter skinned than the Western Hunter-Gatherers peoples of Europe, but still darker than the European average of today. When the German crackdown on local Communist cells was initiated , low and behold, 78 % of the leaders were Jews. It's a funny thing. 4 and smudge it close to the lash line for a soft, diffused eye liner look (draw lines with 1-4 steps). Only in America have I seen attempts to culturally reverse this natural tendency, but it is doomed to fail. Yet they have no blonde hair? The cuneiform tablets of Hammurabi describe a god called Ia or Iave who seems to be the origin of Jehova. To the extent that jewish Hollywood and the jewish controlled and dominated advertising industry once went so overboard on using White females to sell their products and especially so, when advertising them in non-White, non-European nations essentially elevating White female beauty to become the world standard and, I am convinced, with an ulterior and malicious intent they did so as a means of instilling a sense of lust and covetousness within non-white males and brainwash them to wanting to poach White women from the White mans natural reproductive mating pool. link to Do Kpop Idols Have Hairy Body, Legs, Arms & Armpits? The high number of suicide blondes remains steady, but the percentage of natural blondes in the American population has been dropping in recent decades. On good looking whites the new British tennis star Emma Raducanu isnt really white but a Romanian-Chinese mix, educated with great privilege at one of our few remaining grammar schools, which are usually much better than your average private school. Natural blonde blue eyed white women are not dumb. This means that it will not be hard for you to get this scholarship. This is about a 25% reduction in the proportion of blonds within the White population in less than a generation (23 years), which is difficult to explain other than by extensive mixture of northern Europeans with other Whites (blondness being a recessive trait) or by a major and sudden drop in the blond rate of reproduction, i.e., some new type of social-cultural selection against blond reproductive fitness. tzi, the famed Ice Mummy discovered in the Alps genetically looks a lot like modern Sardinians, as do some of the earliest farmer settlers to Scandinavia. How wonderful when we finally win this bout. By this standard all of the British Isles, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Russia, northern Ukraine, France and Switzerland, and all regions further north, are majority light-eyed, with Scandinavia, Ireland, Scotland, eastern and northern England, Normandy and northern Germany over 70% light-eyed. Copy. You might be thinking, if they are native to that region or that these genetic attributes spread so fast? The people from the northeast, on the other hand, had a variation of eye colours and pale skin. I was very much surprised when I saw the 5% figure for all White adults with naturally blonde hair. Why only 5% of Whites with blue eyes then? They Live (1988) by. 9. He was also an immigrant, nkt the horrible black, Pakistan or Arab types, but some sort of gentle East Asian, probably not used to being bombarded with flirty, sexual images of an almost perfect 19 year old in the media. [ Website ]. The sun-kissed color seems practically meant for those with blue eyes. Laplanders would feel strange in Madrid, taking siestas and enjoying supper at 10:00, atop the roof-garden restaurant at the Palace Hotel; admiring the sunset among an abundance of strange conviviality. Thanks for your time. How will these intense team battles between the elites of each universe turn out?!". RU ist such a joke thats its GDP is about the same as small Florida!! Those people look much better in their ancestral environment. I enjoyed Anthropology at university. Maybe not. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. So if blonde hair and blue eyes are a natural adaptation to a cold environment, what about Eskimos? If you have blue eyes and blond hair, then you are eligible for a scholarship. Still later, I read, that some of them had emigrated to NW Texas, where they founded a university. So, I think this is why the jewish media have been so busy brainwashing White females to destroy their natural beauty by getting all of these disgusting tattoos all over their bodies; this is basically no different than a mestizo with a can of spray paint, painting ugly graffiti on every fence or on the side of every building in town. Non-Aryans came to be seen as impure and even evil. 25 Before you offer up additional crap, do some elementary reading ! CF. It is the place where so much travel, immigration, and trade took place. Laconic. It's not that simple. 4. Main. The Queen's Gambit star Anya Taylor-Joy wore a red wig for her role in the series. Do blue eyes make you more beautiful? The essay also purports that humans with black skin migrated north, and due to the colder climate, the skin, hair, and eyes likely lightened over time. Abundant, extant film clips ! It is also at the centre of countless conversations among friends and family as people try to work out what their chances might be of winning a beauty pageant, of getting a good job, to advance in their careers, and of achieving any of the other loftier achievements that are open to women. Kpop idols often change their hairstyles. Do Kpop Idols Have Hairy Body, Legs, Arms & Armpits? Some clarification would be appreciated if you wouldnt mind. [ Extant film clips ]. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. I have seen tons of Slavs (which are not a race) : Poles. English women, especially in Asian works, tend to be blondes. Fraid so for the Hitler fan club out here. I dont know much about David Lane, but Ive always liked the other 14 words phrase; Because the beauty of the white, Aryan woman, shall not perish from the earth.. Large noses, large chins and small lips are the quintessential features. But this also proves to be the beginning of universal destruction. The other problem is the source, the sociologist Christie Davies. Even at a time in history when the criteria for defining beauty have been expanding, it would seem the pinnacle of ideal feminine beauty remains that of a White woman with pale skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. Except if they were Slavic since the Nazis wanted to exterminate Poles and Russians. Without forgetting German and Austrian schools to train Jews in agriculture for their famous kibbutzim, which, in the sixties and seventies, I noticed, were exclusively maintained by Palestinians, supervised from pool side deck chairs. 22 Stalin butchered ca. All K-pop idols grow hair. Same with the Flavian family in Rome, (Vespasian, Titus etc.) Aborigines there. Because his ideology was not based in logic, science or virtue. Russell-Cole, Kathy; Wilson, Midge; Hall, Ronald E. (2013) [1992], The Color Complex: The Politics of Skin Color in a New Millennium, New York City: Anchor Books, A Division of Random House, Inc., ISBN 978-0-307-74423-4 They used artificial irrigation, could foresee solar eclipses, cure diseases, build in stone etc. Scandinavian women have blue-grey eyes or pale blue not bright blue like my sisters and cousins. A lot to digest, yes, but that is the short story on how and why White Europeans possess light hue features. The rarest eye color with blonde hair would be the brown-eyed with green or blue eyes, and these can still be born, although they are a lot less common than the blonde-eyed ones. What many people might not know is that this evolution of the body to absorb more sunlight and get the pigment, which protects them from UV rays is on the lower side. Theres one interesting hint: melanin. Their skin color and hair structure started to change due to weather and different climates their bodies weren't use to. All the pathetic woe-is-me garbage these types always come away with. I located the map I referred to by adding the name of its source, Schrodinger, to my search, found at: That case has an historical link to a known intrusive Semitic genetic component from the early Iron Age. 10. However, dark blue is actually very common. Whatever the reason, white women are dyeing to be blond. Backed up by the Wehrmachts Fremde Heere Ost, its intelligence component. But theres not a single other brunette only lightish brownettes. Reese Witherspoon. Plenty of blondes in my family tree. A group of soldiers posing after the Nazi invasion of Paris, ca. Perhaps it was the feminazi indoctrination at school, but she ensured this poor soul was crucified for stalking, giving absurd statements to the court about how she is now scared to leave the house, is always looking over her shoulder, etc. Unlike the west where people are considered better looking who have a tan; in Japan whiter skin is considered pretty. The constant barrage of news is meant to prevent common sense from being applied, including much on the Internet. To this day , many White Americans, especially women, still strive to achieve a western European look, specifically one that is northern European, or Nordic. Why do Kpop idols go bald? All rights reserved. Because he was a Germanic Chauvinist idiot who pursued a reckless foreign policy which destroyed his people, nation, and traditional European civilization, leading to our lovely contemporary society today. Obviously things change. BestGroomingTips also participates in affiliate programs with Google Adsense, MaxBounty, and other sites. But this is absurd. Ive always read that blue eyes are always dominant over brown eyes. 1940. Of course, this whole area of study has been discouraged since the war and the most reliable surveys were done earlier early enough to be available for Carleton Coon. I will start with information about the origin of people with blonde hair and blue eyes. By my fifties it is white again. People with blue or brown eyes tend to have a good amount of melanin in their systems, which explains why they have blue or brown hair, as well as the ability to blue eyes. In the past, eye colors were always a matter of luck and inheritance. Ingredients. Rich, intense pigments cover even stubborn grays. She sometimes ends up writing an unbiased review of the grooming related products. I myself, have found that light skinned women with dark hair more often to my personal taste, but not always. Since that is your bailiwick, could you enrich me/us with a few words on said topic ?. These blacks that moved from Africa after so many years, evolution started taking place. Another big disappointment is his back-tracking on the holocaust as well as on being a revisionist. When it didnt pay off as he had expected, he joined the Jewish Lobby in moving the center of the holocaust from Auschwitz to the farthest eastern transit only camps mainly Sorbibor, Belzec and Treblinka, that he claims (agrees) murdered up to 2.5 million Jews. He completely destroyed himself as a holocaust revisionist hoping the Jews would let him sell his books again. Shortly after she died, we came across pictures of her and her sister in their childhood they not only had nearly pitch black hair and green eyes but also were quite dark-skinned during the summers. One after another, they mention what far-flung parts they come from. And since he didn't like anyone else. Blue eyes percentage: 80. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. I am unaware. Shakespeare, and Dostojevsky, not blonde. That is, what was the minimum ethnic ancestry that one had to possess to be considered Jewish? Southern Europeans are not Semitic in any broad genetic sense, though there are pockets, where it exists, e.g. Do you know the probability of being struck by lightning? Your level of knowledge regarding Operation Barbarossa and particularly its last-minute timing is also pathetic. It is a stereotype that they all have olive-toned skin, black eyes, and black hair, but in fact, many have very light skin, brown or blonde hair, and blue or green eyes. In order for these traits to show outwardly, a person needs to have inherited two recessive genesone from each parent. 08 In January 33, Hitler took power and in March Judea Declared War on Germany. Ive not been convinced of the confirmed truth of this theory. The guy she refrained from asking for mercy for, was himself married, so she happily attacked his wife as well, showing what kind of feminist she is. Russians, Ukrainians etcMany of them are White, lots of them have clearly asiatic/tartaric background. I have recently been challenged on this. Nazi propaganda posters, photographs, and films showed people who fit this ideal. Hoping that KGB despot causes even more trouble for the degenerate West. And people with darker hair and skin usually have dark eyes. The humans moving northwards from Africa lightened up to varying degrees. Danish researchers think all blue-eyed people share common ancestor, presumably first human to sport them 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. Cold is good for brains is an old idea. The majority of people living in the United States, for example, have blond hair and blue eyes. By 2003 the population was about 65% White and 55% northern European. Blonde hair and blue eyes where associated with Nordic people, which they glorified, while dark hair and brown eyes was associated with Jews, which they despised. Most of the pre abrahamic gods were described a light haired and with light or shining eyes, whether it be in the Middle East, India, the South Pacific or South America. Anyone who wishes to know more, including Dalton, may request to contact me. All three of the above strategies are designed to destroy White beauty or to make sure the beauty of White European genetics are NOT passed down to a future generation of White Europeans. believe it or not he believed he was in contact with a groups of "Nordic" beings from the "inner earth" that he was in contact with through a group of psychic woman called the THULE SOCIETY. As divulged, with much more, by his son during a lecture in Toronto. Create New. For instance, a blind relative could have inherited red eyes from a distant family member. The single study with the 4 percent figure would seem to be a rather extreme outlier. Regarding pigmentation, the most attractive combination in women is light eyes, dark hair and pale skin, simply because this combination achieves maximum contrast. The job of this pigment is to determine the darkness of the hair. Is that a fact? 17 He speaks of Stalin, lecturing his Staff and Military Academies, that while war is immoral and a concomitant of imperialism/ capitalism, the coming war would be deeply moral and essential. It's actually just a genetic flaw. 3 to the crease of the lid starting with the outer corner. Dark brown, in particular, is an often-underestimated companion for blond hair. This quote from pp 51-52 is especially pertinent: A nice blond hair can look great with many more eye colors other than just blue, of course. In that African context, I would agree they are beautiful. A 2002 study done at Loyola University of Chicagoreferred to here and elsewhere, though I cant find a link to the study itselfindicated that in 1950, the number of white Americans with blue eyes was down to about a third. This is not a recent fad or social media trend either. It softens blondes and adds a creamy, luxurious tone to the hair. White female beauty, just like the beauty of a nation built by Whites with White European standards and cleanliness and based on morality as defined and policed by Whites enrages the jew, so does the beauty of our women. You know your stuff in this regard, so Id value your opinion. In addition, with both red hair and blue eyes being something akin to recessive traits, having parents that are able to pass on two sets of recessive genes is very unlikely. I, too, get very dark during the summer in my younger days, my half-Black woman friend/companion was more fair than me. Most often, people will wonder if theres any link between the two. No pigments? I am not talking about being the blonde type with blue eyes and hair. Okay, but I want to know how they answer why they vanished if they were somehow this "master race". The skin lightening occurred much later, as a selective sweep (again, driven largely by sexual selection?) 15 In the same vein, Hess flew to Britain to explore peace, but ended up in the Tower and later in Spandau, only to die in an ambulance, manned by the British, en route to a hospital. Felicia_Svilling 7 mo. The beauty standard wants that students have a combination of blonde hair and blue eyes. David Irving as a successful historian was his #1 concern, over truth. For example, Adolf Hitler had brown hair and was average height. People continue to be awed by it, which is inexplicable to me, though perhaps this is feigned. Both blonde hair and blue eyes are recessive traits, so both parents must carry the gene for blonde hair to pass it on to their kids. whos name flavius means blonde, or yellow haired. Natural ginger girls usually have blue eyes, so coloring your hair in orange will evoke a feeling of tenderness, brightness, but also intensity. caucasian with a hint of Asia. The volume of hair is equally higher in people who have blonde hair and blue eyes. You sometimes overestimate me (and have at times underestimated me, too).